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Table 1

ALMA observations.

Spectral window Number of channels/resolution Center frequency Bandwidth Line Eup (K)

HDO setting
0 960/244.141 kHz 465.818 GHz 234.375 MHz N2H+ (5–4) 67.1
1 960/244.141 kHz 464.928 GHz 234.375 MHz HDO (101–000) 22.3
2 128/15625.000 kHz 465.000 GHz 2000.000 MHz Continuum
HO setting
0 960/244.141 kHz 390.612 GHz 234.375 MHz 322.0
1 960/244.141 kHz 391.851 GHz 234.375 MHz CS (8–7) 84.6
4 128/15625.000 kHz 402.904 GHz 2000.000 MHz Continuum

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