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Fig. 5


100 K distance from the protostar as a function of the angle to the mid-plane of the system. The curves show the distance at which the temperature drops below 100 K for three different scenarios. In the first scenario (blue), a pure envelope density profile is considered. In the second scenario (black), an outflow cone with a constant density at 105 cm-3 is added to the model. The third scenario (red) is identical to the second, with the exception that the outflow density is lower, 104 cm-3. The left panel shows the results for a protostar with Lbol = 1.8 L. The middle and right panels show the same curves when the luminosity is increased by one and two orders of magnitude, respectively. Dashed grey lines indicate the largest distance from the continuum peak for blue-shifted HDO emission (~300 AU) and red-shifted emission (~500 AU).

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