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Fig. 1


Continuum and integrated line emission maps towards IRAS 15398–3359, centred on α2000 = 15h43m0224, δ2000 = –34°0906.7′′. The lines are integrated over a velocity range of Δυ = 0.75 km s-1 (except for HO, where Δυ = 2.00 km s-1 has been used). Contours are from 3σ in steps of 1σ. For HO and CS, the 2σ level is also indicated with dashed contours. The red and blue shaded regions mark the directions of the outflow cones (same geometry as in the models discussed in Sect. 4.2). The 90-percent level of the beam profile is indicated with a circle in each panel. The beam is shown in the lower left corner of each map. The continuum maps are zoomed-in by a factor of two.

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