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Table 5

Result of comparisons of frequencies for those modes in Table 2.

Multiplet ID νobs νmode Δν Multiplet ID νobs νmode Δν
(μHz) (μHz) (μHz) (μHz) (μHz) (μHz)

f21 148.709 148.617(1, 1) 0.092 f2 76.141 76.202(2, 1) 0.061
1 f 22 151.178 151.060(1, 0) 0.118 f 7 88.369 88.163(2, +2) 0.206
f 23 153.627 153.503(1, +1) 0.124
f 2 76.141 76.375(2, 2) 0.234
f 27 162.752 162.546(1, 1) 0.206 f 7 88.369 88.364(2, +1) 0.005
2 f 29 165.088 164.999(1, 0) 0.089
f 12 129.823 129.376(2, 2) 0.447
f 33 167.570 167.452(1, +1) 0.118 9
f 20 141.648 141.337(2, +1) 0.311
f 24 154.615 154.371(1, 1) 0.244
3 f 38 216.702 216.971(2, 1) 0.269
f 25 157.046 157.146(1, 0) 0.100 10
f 39 228.592 229.372(2, +2) 0.780
f 9 115.193 115.187(2, 2) 0.006
f 3 76.719 76.894(3, 3) 0.175
4 f 11 123.030 123.113(2, 0) 0.083
11 f 6 85.704 85.616(3, 1) 0.088
f 14 131.227 131.039(2, +2) 0.188
f 8 99.116 98.699(3, +2) 0.417
f 1 75.886 75.922(2, 0) 0.036
5 f 10 118.754 118.555(3, 3) 0.199
f 5 83.958 83.820(2, +2) 0.138
12 f 17 136.007 135.960(3, +1) 0.047
f 15 134.761 134.571(2, 0) 0.190 f 19 140.309 140.312(3, +2) 0.003
f 18 138.700 138.605(2, +2) 0.095
f 26 160.300 160.430(3, 2) 0.130
f 35 176.206 175.936(2, 2) 0.270 f 28 164.751 164.801(3, 1) 0.050
7 13
f 36 180.189 179.952(2, 1) 0.237 f 34 168.989 169.171(3,0) 0.182
f 37 182.320 182.282(3, +3) 0.038

Notes. νobs shows observed frequencies in μHz, νmod shows theoretical frequencies in μHz. Δν = | νobsνmod |.

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