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Table 1

Independent frequencies of HD 50844 given by Balona (2014).

ID Freq. Ampl. ID Freq. Ampl.
(μHz) (mmag) (μHz) (mmag)

f1 75.886 0.82 f21 148.709 3.55
f2 76.141 0.71 f22 151.178 0.40
f3 76.719 0.35 f23 153.627 2.87
f4 80.154 16.73 f24 154.615 2.51
f5 83.958 0.44 f25 157.046 0.85
f6 85.704 0.85 f26 160.300 0.59
f7 88.369 0.66 f27 162.752 0.42
f 8 99.116 0.31 f 28 164.751 0.56
f 9 115.193 1.02 f 29 165.088 0.46
f 10 118.754 0.79 f 30 167.039 1.08
f 11 123.030 0.43 f 31 167.208 3.08
f 12 129.823 6.76 f 32 167.375 0.68
f 13 130.301 4.37 f 33 167.570 1.24
f 14 131.227 0.48 f 34 168.989 0.46
f 15 134.761 0.36 f 35 176.206 0.39
f 16 135.525 0.69 f 36 180.189 0.33
f 17 136.007 1.58 f 37 182.320 0.42
f 18 138.700 0.94 f 38 216.702 0.45
f 19 140.309 0.70 f 39 228.592 0.39
f20 141.648 3.53 f40 315.920 0.66

Notes. The columns named by ID show the serial number of observed frequencies. Freq. denotes the observed frequency in units of μHz. Ampl. denotes the amplitude in units of mmag.

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