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Table 1

Cluster sample and results of the analysis.

Cluster id z log M200 n 200 obstot obsbkg C
[ M ] [ M ]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Zw1478 0.103 13.97 21 ± 5 24 43 16.940 13.99 21 ± 5
A1235 0.103 14.34 51 ± 8 58 68 9.733 14.54 57 ± 8
A2034 0.113 14.86 102 ± 11 114 68 5.422 14.89 108 ± 11
Zw8197 0.113 14.41 41 ± 7 47 67 10.760 14.35 40 ± 7
A2069 0.114 15.00 111 ± 13 148 164 4.425 14.92 110 ± 12
A1302 0.115 14.47 52 ± 8 58 60 10.140 14.50 53 ± 8
A1361 0.116 14.25 25 ± 6 30 74 14.430 14.08 25 ± 5
A1366 0.116 14.44 51 ± 8 57 60 10.860 14.51 54 ± 8
A2050 0.119 14.79 71 ± 9 83 77 6.689 14.60 63 ± 9
A1033 0.122 14.61 59 ± 8 68 86 9.306 14.57 59 ± 8
A655 0.127 14.68 112 ± 11 120 73 9.113 15.03 135 ± 12
A646 0.127 14.54 47 ± 7 54 83 11.250 14.44 48 ± 7
A1930 0.131 14.42 29 ± 6 36 100 14.250 14.01 22 ± 5
A1437 0.133 15.18 120 ± 12 144 109 4.614 14.91 110 ± 11
A1132 0.135 14.70 64 ± 9 76 122 9.948 14.59 62 ± 9
A795 0.137 14.70 89 ± 10 101 123 10.290 14.81 92 ± 10
A1068 0.139 15.08 50 ± 9 76 151 5.865 14.33 39 ± 7
A1918 0.139 14.44 45 ± 7 53 122 15.680 14.39 44 ± 7
A1413 0.141 14.91 103 ± 11 120 137 7.865 14.86 100 ± 11
A990 0.142 14.33 49 ± 8 60 206 19.220 14.50 53 ± 8
Zw3179 0.142 13.98 32 ± 6 36 133 33.320 14.24 33 ± 6
A667 0.145 14.61 47 ± 8 57 136 13.200 14.38 43 ± 7
A1978 0.146 14.10 34 ± 6 40 177 29.230 14.38 43 ± 7
A2009 0.152 14.70 81 ± 10 94 161 12.630 14.75 82 ± 10
A980 0.155 14.80 84 ± 10 101 192 11.220 14.73 79 ± 10
RXJ1720 0.160 14.81 74 ± 10 89 179 11.890 14.66 70 ± 9
A2259 0.160 14.74 61 ± 9 75 178 13.180 14.51 54 ± 8
A1902 0.162 14.52 69 ± 9 77 142 18.780 14.71 76 ± 9
A1914 0.166 14.83 114 ± 11 126 150 12.160 14.98 124 ± 12
A1553 0.167 14.82 91 ± 10 104 167 12.610 14.81 91 ± 10
A1201 0.167 14.58 75 ± 9 89 254 18.180 14.76 84 ± 10
A1204 0.171 14.20 37 ± 6 41 149 33.860 14.31 38 ± 7
A2187 0.183 14.26 40 ± 7 46 225 35.260 14.38 42 ± 7
A1689 0.184 15.09 160 ± 13 180 193 9.919 15.13 160 ± 14
A1246 0.192 14.86 103 ± 11 121 277 15.240 14.88 104 ± 11
A963 0.204 14.76 75 ± 9 89 282 20.020 14.68 73 ± 9
A1423 0.214 14.72 83 ± 10 97 321 23.120 14.78 87 ± 10
Zw2701 0.216 14.42 42 ± 7 48 239 37.400 14.27 35 ± 6
A773 0.217 15.05 119 ± 12 148 413 14.330 14.93 114 ± 12

Notes. The table lists cluster id, redshift z, mass M200 from Rines et al. (2012), followed by values derived in this work: richness n200, observed galaxy counts in the cluster and control field directions (obstot and obsbkg), their solid angle ratios C. Columns eight and nine give the predicted mass and richness we derived only using richness. Masses are within spheres, richnesses within cylinders. Masses in Col. (3) have 0.08 dex errors, those in Col. (8) have a 0.16 dex total error. Cluster coordinates are in Rines et al. (2012).

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