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Table 1

Initial conditions of the N-body simulations.

Run N A MA (M) rA (pc) Q A N B MB (M) rB (pc) Q B f bin Δv (km s-1) D (pc) m1,m2 (M)

Run 1 780 506 2 1.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 2.4 5 32, 14
Run 2 780 510 2 0.5 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 2.4 5 33, 16
Run 3 780 514 2 2.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 2.4 5 39, 6
Run 4 780 513 2 3.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 2.4 5 15, 15
Run 5 780 513 2 1.0 585 276 1 0.5 0.46 2.4 5 32, 14
Run 6 780 513 2 1.0 585 277 1 2.0 0.46 2.4 5 32, 14
Run 7 780 513 2 1.0 585 273 1 12.5 0.46 2.4 5 32, 14
Run 8 780 506 2 1.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 1.5 5 32, 14
Run 9 780 506 2 1.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 2.0 5 32, 14
Run 10 780 506 2 1.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 3.0 5 32, 14
Run 11 780 506 2 1.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 3.5 5 32, 14
Run 12 156 99 2 1.0 117 56 1 4.5 0.46 2.4 5 5, 4
Run 13 156 97 2 4.0 117 48 1 8.0 0.46 2.2 5 3, 3
Run 14 780 506 2 1.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 2.4 10 32, 14
Run 15 780 512 2 1.0 585 295 1 4.5 0.0 2.4 5
Run 16 800 512 2 1.0 560 271 1 4.5 0.75 2.4 5 57, 32
Run 17 780 491 1 1.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 2.4 5 8, 1
Run 18 780 506 2 1.0 585 272 2 4.5 0.46 2.4 5 32, 14
Run 19 1040 677 2 1.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 2.4 5 56, 35
Run 20 780 506 2 1.0 780 359 1 4.5 0.46 2.4 5 32, 14
Run 21 780 506 2 1.0 585 271 1 4.5 0.46 -2.4 5 32, 14

Notes.Run (Col. 1): identifying name of the run; NA (Col. 2): number of particles in the first cluster (identified with pop. A); MA (Col. 3): initial mass of the first cluster; rA (Col. 4): scale radius of the first cluster; QA (Col. 5): virial ratio of pop. A; NB (Col. 6): number of particles in the second cluster (identified with pop. B); MB (Col. 7): initial mass of the second cluster; rB (Col. 8): scale radius of the second cluster; QB (Col. 9): virial ratio of pop. B; Δv (Col. 10): initial velocity shift between the centres of mass of the two clusters; D (Col. 11): initial distance between the centres of mass of the two clusters; m1,m2 (Col. 12): initial mass of the members of the most massive binary system in each run. The 21 runs listed in this table are a selected sample among all the runs we performed. They represent the runs that best match the observations (runs 1, 2, 13 and 21), and/or that are important to understand the influence of various parameters on the results.

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