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Table 2

HARPS-N radial velocities and bisector spans of Kepler-101.

BJDUTC RV ± 1σ Bis. span CCD
2 450 000 () () ()

6102.618403 77 739.82 8.38 28.13 O
6102.639630 77 757.71 10.60 35.69 O
6114.521305 77 764.50 11.65 50.76 O
6114.542544 77 743.52 12.18 52.91 O
6115.514333 77 727.63 6.28 8.35 O
6115.535548 77 729.12 5.84 35.93 O
6116.514941 77 739.54 7.98 25.19 O
6116.536133 77 739.84 7.34 13.34 O
6117.475560 77 764.48 6.31 10.70 O
6117.496811 77 762.48 6.53 20.69 O
6436.576753 77 690.77 5.48 20.76 R
6437.676342 77 732.91 7.26 9.82 R
6462.515513 77 733.73 8.71 35.87 R
6463.465239 77 701.82 9.73 24.03 R
6482.571731 77 707.87 11.48 16.11 R
6482.593676 77 713.09 11.15 25.66 R
6495.416309 77 696.42 5.96 1.10 R
6497.548192 77 737.89 9.71 5.84 R
6497.564893 77 735.63 8.70 15.85 R
6498.638143 77 695.98 9.68 38.55 R
6498.652622 77 697.74 12.27 54.50 R
6499.530536 77 686.68 9.26 16.28 R
6499.545593 77688.48 8.77 29.85 R
6500.412431 77 717.32 7.05 25.93 R
6500.428599 77 729.78 7.32 35.69 R
6501.556731 77 732.92 10.31 63.39 R
6510.450025 77 698.01 8.45 10.25 R
6511.445178 77 730.92 7.26 1.55 R
6511.466532 77 725.08 7.87 65.89 R
6512.447436 77 71.43 6.46 21.48 R
6512.468362 77 702.63 6.08 12.55 R
6513.439347 77 702.26 6.73 8.23 R
6513.460087 77 704.35 5.80 52.45 R
6514.389197 77 716.24 8.60 1.79 R
6514.410123 77 715.08 8.74 27.32 R
6515.380077 77 727.62 10.05 13.66 R
6515.401315 77 718.09 11.59 16.72 R
6528.437262 77 706.54 10.10 30.15 R
6530.406773 77 690.25 6.29 2.74 R
6532.371144 77 732.99 7.62 17.58 R

Notes. The last column indicates the HARPS-N CCD: O and R stand for the original and the replaced CCD (see text).

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