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Table 1

System parameters of Kepler-101.

Stellar IDs, coordinates, and magnitudes

Kepler ID 10905239
Kepler Object of Interest KOI-46
USNO-A2 ID 1350-09997781
2MASS ID 18530131+4821188
RA (J2000) 18:53:01.32
Dec (J2000) 48:21:18.84
Kepler magnitude 13.77
Howell Everett Survey Johnson-B 14.52
Howell Everett Survey Johnson-V 13.80
2MASS J 12.40 ± 0.02
2MASS K 12.01 ± 0.02

Stellar parameters

Effective temperature Teff [K] 5667 ± 50
Metallicity [Fe/H] [dex] 0.33 ± 0.07
Microturbulence velocity ξt [km s-1] 1.00 ± 0.05
Rotational velocity Vsini [km s-1] 2.6 ± 0.5
Density ρ [gcm-3]
Mass [M]
Radius [R] 1.56 ± 0.20
Derived surface gravity log g [cgs]
Age t [Gyr] 5.9 ± 1.2
Spectral type G3IV
Linear limb-darkening coefficient ua 0.28 ± 0.13
Quadratic limb-darkening coefficient ub 0.46 ± 0.20

Kepler-101 b

Transit and orbital parameters
Orbital period P [days] 3.4876812 ± 0.0000070
Transit epoch T0 [BJDTDB − 2 454 900] 288.77995 ± 0.00041
Transit duration T14 [h]
Radius ratio Rp/R
Inclination i [deg]
Orbital eccentricity e
Argument of periastron ω [deg]
Radial velocity semi-amplitude K [m s-1] 19.4 ± 1.8
Systemic velocity Vr,r [km s-1] −77.7110 ± 0.0015
Systemic velocity Vr,o [km s-1] −77.7440 ± 0.0025
a / R
Impact parameter b

Planetary parameters
Mass Mp [M]
Radius Rp [R]
Density ρp [gcm-3]
Surface gravity log gp [cgs]
Orbital semi-major axis a [au]
Equilibrium temperature Teq [K] a

Kepler-101 c

Transit and orbital parameters
Orbital period P [days] 6.029760 ± 0.000075
Transit epoch T0 [BJDTDB − 2 454 900] 65.4860 ± 0.0088
Transit duration T14 [h] 3.87 ± 0.24
Radius ratio Rp/R
Inclination i [deg]
Orbital eccentricity e 0 (fixed)
Argument of periastron ω [deg] 90 (fixed)
Radial velocity semi-amplitude K [m s-1] < 1.17
a / R
Impact parameter b

Planetary parameters
Mass Mp [M] < 3.78
Radius Rp [R]
Density ρp [gcm-3] < 10.5
Orbital semi-major axis a [au] 0.0684 ± 0.0014
Equilibrium temperature Teq [K]a

Notes. Errors and upper limits refer to 1σ uncertainties.


Black-body equilibrium temperature assuming a null Bond albedo and uniform heat redistribution to the night side.

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