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Table 1

List of PNe central stars observed in the framework of our program, ordered by increasing RA.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Name Catalog mV Spectral type Nebular X-rayb References
identifier CSPN Companiona morphology emission Col. (4) Col. (6)

NGC 246 118.8-74.7 11.96 PG1159 G8-K0V R SP 1 6
NGC 1360* 220.3-53.9 11.35 sdO E SP 2 6
NGC 1514 165.5-15.2 9.42 A0III E HP 6
IC 418 215.2-24.2 10.17 O7f E D 3 6
NGC 2346 215.6+03.6 11.47 A5V B N 7
NGC 2392 197.8+17.3 10.53 O6f dM? E HP, D 3 6
Hen 2-36 279.6-03.1 11.30 A2III B F 7
LSS 1362 * 273.6+06.1 12.47 sdO E 4 8
NGC 3132 272.1+12.3 10.07 A2IV-V E N 6
Hen 2-108 316.1+08.4 12.72 WELS R 5 6
Hen 2-113 321.0+03.9 12.28 [WC11] B F 2, 5 9
Hen 2-131 315.1-13.0 11.01 WELS E F 2, 5 6

Notes. (2): Identification number from the Strasbourg Catalog of PNe; (3): integrated V-band intensity of central star; (4): spectral classification of central star ([WC11]: Wolf-Rayet type; WELS: weak emission line star, normal chemical composition); (5): spectral classification of binary companion (A-type companions dominate the spectrum, spectral type of CSPN unknown); (6): basic morphology of the planetary nebula, R (round), E (elliptical), B (bipolar); (7): X-ray classification, N (non-detection), SP (soft point source), HP (hard point source), D (diffuse source), F (future Chandra target);


target analyzed by Jordan et al. (2005; 2012);


De Marco (2009);


Kastner et al. (2012).

Reference. (1) Werner & Herwig (2006); (2) Mendez & Niemela (1977); (3) Heap (1977); (4) Drilling (1983); (5) Tylenda et al. (1993); (6) Phillips (2003); (7) Corradi & Schwarz (1995); (8) Jordan et al. (2005); (9) Lagadec et al. (2006).

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