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Table 4

Physical parameters of the cores detected at 870 μm (see Fig. 1).

T rot a M core b N core b n core b Σcore b Δvhot − core ΔvH13CO+
Core (K) ( M) (1024 cm-2) (108 cm-3) (g cm-2) (km s-1) ( M) (km s-1) ( M)

A 30–250 11.2–1.0 40.2–3.6 44.3–4.0 156.0–14.0 4.6 9.7 >3.2 >4.7
B 30–150 5.4–0.9 4.7–0.8 2.6–0.4 18.9–3.1 2.9 7.7 >2.9 >7.7
C 30–200 3.1–0.4 3.7–0.5 2.4–0.3 13.7–1.8 6.8 37.7 >2.6 >5.5
D 30–100 3.7–0.9 7.0–1.7 5.6–1.4 24.8–6.0 1.5 1.5 >2.9 >5.6
E 30–50 2.6–1.4 2.3–1.2 1.2–0.7 8.2–4.4 ... ... >1.8 >3.1
F 30–50 4.5–2.4 2.0–1.1 0.8–0.4 7.5–4.0 ... ... >1.0 >1.3

Notes. (a) Temperature derived from the rotational diagram method when possible (see Sect. 4.1). (b) Mass, Mcore, column density, Ncore, volume density, ncore, and surface density, Σcore, estimated using a dust temperature equal to Trot, and a dust opacity of 1.75 cm2 g-1 at 870 μm (see Sect. 4.1).

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