Fig. 6

Temporal evolution of some key observable parameters for the model calculation
(initial masses of 1.5 +
1.45 M⊙, initial period of 415 d,
e =
0.4, Bwind = 3.6 × 104,
αBH =
and fjacc =
0.03) best reproducing the current values of the system IP Eri: the
left panel corresponds to gravity (log g) vs.
Teff (the WD is depicted by the black
cross, and the K0 star by the red cross, including the inset). The circles are
proportional to the radius of the mass-losing star. The lower right panel
is eccentricity versus orbital period, and the upper right is spin velocity
of the giant versus orbital period. The hatched region corresponds to the possible
values according to observations, which only provide an upper limit on the spin
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