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Table 2

Best-fit parameters of the pulsar X-ray spectrum with three models.

Model N H Γ PLnorm T R χ2/d.o.f. (d.o.f.)
1021 cm-2 10-5 ph keV-1 cm-2 s-1 eV d500 pc km

BB+PL 0.5 1.05 (244)
NSA+PL 37 6 1.05 (244)
NSA+PL 30 15.73 1.07 (245)
(fixed NSA normalisation)
NSMAX+PL 36 8 1.05 (244)
NSMAX+PL 31 15.73 1.05 (245)
(fixed NSMAX normalisation)

Notes. Temperatures T and emitting area radii R are as measured by a distant observer. NH is the absorbing column density. PLnorm and Γ are PL normalisation and photon spectral index. Errors are at 90% confidence.

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