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Table A.1

Number of sources (upper number in each cell) and average dust mass (lower number in each cell) in each zMstarSFR bin.

0.05 ≤ z < 0.20

log SFR log Mstar
9.75–10.00 10.00–10.25 10.25–10.50 10.50–10.75 10.75–11.00 11.00–11.50 11.50–12.00

−0.75–− 0.25
−0.25–0.25 36 33 16 193
(0, 1, 35) (0, 0, 33) (1, 0, 15) (14, 19, 160)
7.11 6.83 7.42 7.31
0.25–0.50 12 10 16
(0, 0, 12) (0, 0, 10) (0, 1, 15)
7.06 7.05 7.55
0.50–0.75 22 12 10
(1, 0, 21) (0, 1, 11) (0, 1, 9)
6.95 7.44 7.64
0.75–1.00 142
(4, 13, 125)
0.20 ≤ z < 0.60

log SFR log Mstar
9.75–10.00 10.00–10.25 10.25–10.50 10.50–10.75 10.75–11.00 11.00–11.50 11.50–12.00

−0.75–− 0.25
−0.25–0.25 70 71
(1, 1, 68) (5, 4, 62)
7.06 7.10
0.25–0.50 38 29 35 58
(0, 3, 35) (1, 3, 25) (0, 2, 33) (1, 4, 53)
7.02 7.69 7.81 7.36
0.50–0.75 159 89 31 16 20 21
(1, 5, 153) (0, 3, 86) (2, 1, 28) (0, 2, 14) (0, 0, 20) (1, 0, 20)
7.10 7.16 7.32 7.61 7.64 7.94
0.75–1.00 246 179 77 32 44 12
(3, 8, 235) (5, 2, 172) (1, 3, 73) (0, 3, 29) (1, 6, 37) (0, 1, 11)
7.43 7.32 7.49 7.62 7.72 7.84
1.00–1.20 287 326 248 62 52 10 43
(10, 16, 261) (5, 18, 303) (1, 3, 244) (1, 1, 60) (2, 0, 50) (0, 0, 10) (0, 1, 42)
7.97 7.46 7.66 7.84 7.94 8.03 8.29
1.20–1.40 243 307 275 128 85 11
(7, 15, 221) (6, 13, 288) (2, 8, 265) (1, 3, 124) (0, 3, 82) (0, 0, 11)
7.67 7.77 7.79 7.94 8.08 8.21
1.40–1.60 179 206 154 40
(4, 11, 164) (1, 4, 201) (0, 4, 150) (21, 19, 0)
7.82 8.10 8.15 8.32
1.60–1.80 158 108 114
(0, 3, 155) (1, 3, 104) (17, 30, 67)
8.24 8.30 8.43
1.80–2.00 261
(9, 9, 243)
0.60 ≤ z < 1.00

log SFR log Mstar
9.75–10.00 10.00–10.25 10.25–10.50 10.50–10.75 10.75–11.00 11.00–11.50 11.50–12.00

−0.75–− 0.25
1.00–1.20 643 39 99
(5, 15, 623) (1, 6, 32) (1, 9, 89)
7.53 7.79 7.36
1.20–1.40 557 894 385 170 34 12
( 10, 16, 531) (9, 27, 858) (5, 9, 371) (2, 6, 162) (2, 8, 24) (0, 1, 11)
7.64 7.50 7.56 7.69 7.83 7.93
1.40–1.60 513 626 351 183 30
(7, 15, 491) (8, 15, 603) (5, 2, 344) (2, 6, 175) (2, 0, 28)
7.67 7.67 7.80 7.96 8.03
1.60–1.80 146 594 462 271 34 42
(1, 4, 141) (7, 25, 562) (6, 7, 449) (3, 5, 263) (0, 0, 34) (2, 4, 36)
7.97 8.01 8.07 8.25 8.26 8.47
1.80–2.00 383 387 328 18 69
(5, 10, 368) (4, 16, 367) (2, 3, 323) (0, 0, 18) (5, 4, 60)
8.26 8.26 8.32 8.47 8.74
2.00–2.25 117 167 310 16 40
(3, 7, 107) (2, 5, 160) (2, 4, 304) (0, 0, 16) (1, 0, 39)
8.72 8.13 8.39 8.57 8.70
2.25–2.50 12
(0, 0, 12)
1.00 ≤ z < 1.50

log SFR log Mstar
9.75–10.00 10.00–10.25 10.25–10.50 10.50–10.75 10.75–11.00 11.00–11.50 11.50–12.00

−0.75–− 0.25
1.20–1.40 637
(9, 26, 602)
1.40–1.60 14 253 772 669 439
(1, 0, 13) (5, 5, 243) (8, 22, 742) (8, 16, 645) (7, 14, 418)
7.89 7.97 8.01 8.16 7.85
1.60–1.80 17 91 497 531 501 16
(6, 11, 0) (0, 2, 89) (5, 8, 484) (7, 14, 510) (5, 6, 490) (0, 1, 15)
7.64 7.93 7.85 8.03 8.23 8.31
1.80–2.00 196 279 376
(4, 1, 191) (1, 6, 272) (6, 5, 365)
8.02 8.21 8.44
2.00–2.25 12 36 114 17
(5, 7, 0) (0, 0, 36) (1, 6, 107) (0, 1, 16)
8.34 8.17 8.53 8.82
2.25–2.50 210 105 16 10
(5, 8, 197) (3, 6, 96) (0, 0, 16) (4, 6, 0)
8.61 8.39 8.76 8.89
2.50–3.00 19
(0, 0, 19)
1.50 ≤ z < 2.50

log SFR log Mstar
9.75–10.00 10.00–10.25 10.25–10.50 10.50–10.75 10.75–11.00 11.00–11.50 11.50–12.00

−0.75–− 0.25
1.80–2.00 120 59 33
(9, 19, 92) (1, 11, 47) (2, 3, 28)
7.85 7.94 8.10
2.00–2.25 434 615 352 234 20
(13, 13, 408) (12, 23, 580) (9, 18, 325) (3, 10, 221) (0, 1, 19)
7.92 8.07 8.14 8.28 8.46
2.25–2.50 224 617 708 479 29
(9, 7, 208) (5, 25, 587) (6, 26, 676) (3, 12, 464) (1, 1, 27)
8.32 8.34 8.37 8.60 8.78
2.50–3.00 208 406 544 37
(6, 4, 198) (6, 10, 390) (9, 21, 514) (0, 1, 36)
8.75 8.71 8.94 9.18

Notes. Masses are in M and SFR are in M/yr. The three numbers in parentheses in the middle row of each table cell show the contribution of GOODS-S, GOODS-N and COSMOS fields, respectively, to the bin. The bin with the lowest SFR is never populated after all selections applied (see Sect. 3.5).

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