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Table 2

Properties of the RAVE sample.

J − K range [M/H] range N J − K [M/H] R (kpc) z (pc) dR (pc) dz (pc)

(–0.5, –0.2) 265 0.18 –0.29 7.94 –166 164 234
(0.1, 0.2) (–0.2, 0) 737 0.17 –0.10 7.93 –120 160 231
(0, 0.2) 379 0.16 0.06 7.92 –113 181 236
(–0.5, –0.2) 6105 0.27 –0.31 7.94 –146 139 226
(0.2, 0.3) (–0.2, 0) 9808 0.26 –0.11 7.93 –133 149 220
(0, 0.2) 3324 0.27 0.05 7.92 –141 160 233
(–0.5, –0.2) 6393 0.34 –0.30 7.92 –120 136 211
(0.3, 0.4) (–0.2, 0) 13917 0.34 –0.10 7.93 –122 136 210
(0, 0.2) 9787 0.35 0.07 7.93 –133 134 212
(–0.5, –0.2) 955 0.44 –0.30 7.94 –71 95 140
(0.4, 0.5) (–0.2, 0) 3260 0.44 –0.09 7.94 –82 104 158
(0, 0.2) 4155 0.44 0.08 7.94 –97 110 173
(–0.5, –0.2) 1331 0.66 –0.30 7.98 –36 42 67
(0.5, 0.9) (–0.2, 0) 3049 0.64 –0.09 7.97 –41 51 80
(0, 0.2) 2593 0.62 0.07 7.97 –47 59 93

Notes. Columns 1 and 2 give the colour and metallicity bins, Col. 3 the number of stars in the bins, Cols. 4 to 7 the mean values in colour, metallicity, Galactocentric distance, and vertical position respectively. Columns 8 and 9 are the mean radial and vertical distance to the Sun.

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