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Table 1

Variables used in the paper.

Variables Definitions

Local coordinates
r distance
v r line-of-sight velocity
μ proper motion with respect to the Sun
U, V, W velocities with respect to the LSR
U, V, W velocity of the Sun with respect to the LSR
V a , asymmetric drift
V Eq. (6)
Galactocentric variables
R 0 Galactocentric radius of the Sun
v velocity of the Sun around the Galactic centre
v c velocity of the LSR around the Galactic centre
vr, vφ, vz velocities in cylindrical Galactocentric coordinates
σr, σφ, σz velocity dispersions
R Galactocentric radius
z height above the Galactic plane
Radial scalelengths
R E kinetic energy scalelength
R ν scalelength of the tracer density ν
R d scalelength of the total surface density
R σ scalelength of

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