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Table 1

Comparison of the observed properties of 33 GRBs incompatible with EpiEiso relation at all redshifts (outliers) with 253 GRBs that are within two sigma of the EpiEiso relation (others).

Parameter Median Median KS
(unit) (outliers) (others) significance

T 90 22.5 29.7 0.17
Alpha –0.88 –0.89 0.93
Beta –2.30 –2.30 0.49
E po 715 151 3.5 × 10-16
Photon Fluence 10.8 53.7 6.2 × 10-7
(ph cm-2)
Energy Fluence 28 74 1.4 × 10-3
(10-7 erg cm-2)
Peak Photon Flux 3.2 5.5 2.5 × 10-3
(ph cm-2 s-1)

Notes. The KS significance gives the probability that a parameter has the same distribution for outliers and for other GRBs.

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