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Table 9

Measured brightness differences and mean apparent magnitudes.

Object Epoch J-band H-band Ks-band Object J-band H-band Ks-band
[mag] [mag] [mag] [mag] [mag] [mag]

DI Cha A(BC) 17 Feb. 2006     4.136 ±  0.010 A 7.841 6.239
19 Feb. 2008 4.232 ±  0.018     4.347 ±  0.033 BC 12.073 10.480
20 Feb. 2009b  >4.104 ±  0.010 B 12.603 11.077
  AB 17 Feb. 2006     4.715 ±  0.007 C 12.749 11.087
19 Feb. 2008 4.770 ±  0.013     4.980 ±  0.035 D 12.938a 11.468
20 Feb. 2009b  >4.737 ±  0.017
  AC 17 Feb. 2006     4.741 ±  0.007
19 Feb. 2008 4.919 ±  0.052     4.974 ±  0.029
20 Feb. 2009b  >4.784 ±  0.019
  BC 17 Feb. 2006     0.026 ±  0.004
19 Feb. 2008 0.147 ±  0.051 −0.006 ±  0.013
20 Feb. 2009     0.046 ±  0.032
  AD 17 Feb. 2006     5.298 ±  0.020
19 Feb. 2008 5.097a ±  0.019     5.186 ±  0.016
20 Feb. 2009b  >4.648 ±  0.006
Sz 22 AB 17 Feb. 2006     3.165 ±  0.006 A 9.639 6.877
19 Feb. 2008 2.179 ±  0.007     3.654 ±  0.014 B 11.818 10.286
CHXR 32 A(BC)d 25 Mar 2006c 0.846 ±  0.008 A 7.599 6.350
20 Feb. 2008     1.940 ±  0.002 BC 8.445 8.290
AB 25 Mar. 2006c     2.150 ±  0.058 B 8.527
20 Feb. 2009     2.177 ±  0.005 C 9.843
AC 25 Mar 2006c     3.534 ±  0.182
20 Feb. 2009     3.493 ±  0.006
BC 25 Mar. 2006c     1.384 ±  0.238
20 Feb. 2009     1.317 ±  0.004
Cha Hα 5 AB 16 Feb. 2006     0.036 ±  0.146 A 11.439
19 Feb. 2009     0.153 ±  0.093 B 11.534
  (AB)cc1d 20 Feb. 2008     5.234 ±  0.056 cc1 15.945
  Acc1 16 Feb. 2006     4,471 ±  0.070
19 Feb. 2009     4.469 ±  0.044
  Acc2 16 Feb. 2006     4,458 ±  0.005
19 Feb. 2009     4.397 ±  0.021

Notes. Mean apparent magnitudes based on combined brightness measurements of 2MASS (Skrutskie et al. 2006).


Peak to peak brightness difference given. PSF photometry results systematic too low after bad pixel correction in PSF, as bad pixel present despite jittering (only 5 images).


Primary (component A) saturated within this epoch.


Rereduced, see also Lafrenière et al. (2008).


PSF photometry does not work in the case of non-resolved (by fitting) double objects, aperture photometry used, see text for further information.

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