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Table 2

VLT/NACO observation log.

Object Other name JD − 2 453 700 Date of DIT NDIT Number Airmass DIMMb τ 0 c Filter
 [days]  observation [s] of images Seeing [ms]

DI Cha HIP 54365 83.85826 17 Feb. 2006 0.3454 100 20 1.79 0.63 6.5 Ks
815.62668 19 Feb. 2008 0.3454 174 5 1.82 0.80 5.3 Ks
815.63134 19 Feb. 2008 1.2 50 5 1.81 0.84 4.7 J
1182.64078a 20 Feb. 2009 0.3454 87 20 1.77 0.81 5.1 Ks
Sz 22 FK Cha 83.88427 17 Feb. 2006 3 12 20 1.86 0.56 6.9 Ks
815.64511 19 Feb. 2008 4 15 5 1.77 0.86 4.7 Ks
815.65010 19 Feb. 2008 30 2 5 1.76 0.80 5.0 J
CHXR 32 Glass I / HP Cha 816.89621 20 Feb. 2008 1/3 60/20 5/5 1.92 1.65 2.3 Ks
1182.90637a 20 Feb. 2009 0.3454/0.5 87/120 12/6 1.97 0.52 8.9 Ks
Cha Hα 5 ISO-ChaI 144 82.75127 16 Feb. 2006 50 1 20 1.66 0.55 8.3 Ks
816.68649 20 Feb. 2008 60 1 5 1.70 0.79 4.8 Ks
816.69139 20 Feb. 2008 60 1 5 1.69 0.71 5.4 J
1181.73805a 19 Feb. 2009 30 2 15 1.66 0.42 7.5 Ks

Notes. Each image consists of the number of exposures given in Col. 6 times the individual integration time given in Col. 5.


Data taken in cube mode, so each image is a cube of the number of planes given in Col. 6, each having the individual integration time given in Col. 5.


Differential image motion monitor (DIMM) seeing average of all images taken from the individual fits headers.


Coherence time of atmospheric fluctuations.

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