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Table 2

Estimated atmospheric parameters for candidate metal-poor stars.

Star log g [Fe/H] T eff (B − V) Teff(ANN)− M v
[ANN] [ANN] [ANN] Teff [B − V]

EC 00451-2737 4.4 −1.97 6278.4 4.1
EC 01374-3243 4.5 −1.35 5890.0 5.4
EC 03531-5111 3.3 −0.43 7164.8 4.1
EC 04555-1409 3.3 −0.32 5862.0 −0.3
EC 05148-2731 4.7 −0.58 7934.0 5.6*
EC 09523-1259 4.4 −1.37 6572.4 +0.47 159.4 5.4*
EC 10004-1405a 3.9 −1.19 5864.0 3.5
EC 10004-1405b 3.9 −1.02 5702.0 4.2
EC 10262-1217 4.6 −1.16 6636.0 +0.38 −187 4.5
EC 10292-0956 4.5 −0.46 6260.4 +0.58 291.4 4.4
EC 10488-1244 4.1 −0.33 6507.2 +0.50 222.2 2.7
EC 11091-3239 4.4 0.09 5957.2 +0.54 −164.8 3.7
EC 11175-3214 4.7 −1.40 7702.4 +0.43 1112.4 5.6*
EC 11260-2413 4.7 −0.96 7523.2 +0.39 748.2 5.4*
EC 11553-2731a 4.4 −0.44 6374.8 3.7
EC 11553-2731b 4.2 −0.35 6501.6 3.5
EC 12245-2211 4.1 −0.34 6140.4 +0.50 −144.6 2.6
EC 12418-3240 4.1 −0.34 6129.2 +0.66 440.2 3.1
EC 12473-1945a 4.0 −0.15 6246.4 3.0
EC 12473-1945b 4.0 −0.10 6138.4 2.8
EC 12477-1711 4.4 −0.31 6527.2 3.5
EC 12477-1724a 4.2 −0.24 6517.6 2.6
EC 12477-1724b 4.5 −0.26 6497.6 3.1
EC 12493-2149 4.8 −0.37 6145.6 +0.65 423.6 5.2
EC 13042-2740 4.6 −1.85 6405.6 +0.52 202.6 5.5*
EC 13390-2246 4.8 −0.36 6408.8 3.9
EC 13478-2052a 4.1 −0.61 5420.4 5.3
EC 13478-2052b 4.3 −0.57 5234.4 5.2
EC 13499-2204 4.4 −0.65 6345.2 +0.51 102.2 5.6*
EC 13501-1758 4.2 −0.15 5847.6 +0.72 343.6 4.4
EC 13506-1845 4.5 −0.58 6664.4 +0.56 620.4 4.9*
EC 13564-2249 4.2 −0.68 5903.2 +0.58 −65.8 4.7
EC 13567-2235 4.0 −0.24 6341.6 +0.53 179.6 2.9
EC 14017-1750 4.5 −1.07 6073.6 +0.63 283.6 5.4
EC 16477-0096 3.6 −2.14 4843.6 5.6
EC 22874-0038 4.0 −2.41 5416.0 3.4
BS 16473-0045 4.4 −0.93 5356.4 5.3
BS 16926-0070 4.2 −1.96 5995.6 5.3
BS 16469-0074 4.5 −0.44 6351.2 3.4
BS 16474-0054 4.2 −2.09 5570.8 4.9
BS 16085-0018 3.0 −1.61 5554.0 2.2
BS 16085-0004 3.7 −2.11 4644.0 5.6
BS 16085-0056 4.8 −0.32 5220.8 5.3
BS 16543-0114 3.9 0.19 4735.2 4.7
BS 16479-0031 4.3 −0.22 5254.8 4.0
BS 16543-0054a 4.4 −0.39 5747.2 4.7
BS 16543-0054b 4.5 −0.30 5736.8 5.1
BS 16477-0078 4.6 −0.11 5623.6 5.5
BS 16559-0066 4.5 −0.81 4656.4 5.7
BS 16551-0015 4.8 −0.55 7972.0 1.2
BS 16084-0019 4.5 −1.21 5998.8 4.2
BS 16084-0042 4.5 −0.86 7359.2 5.3*
BS 16087-0004 4.7 −0.63 6692.4 5.4*
CS 22884-0005 4.0 −1.65 5558.8 +0.67 −98.2 4.1
G 195-28 4.6 −1.45 4698.8 +0.93 −290.2 5.3
G 53-24 4.3 −0.32 5281.6 +0.94 316.6 5.1
G 96-14 4.4 −2.17 4562.8 +1.0 −277.2 5.6
G 108-33 3.8 −1.71 6226.0 0.3
G 115-1 4.1 −0.37 5510.0 +0.90 457 4.8
G 149-34 4.9 0.32 6885.6 +0.90 1832.6 0.7
HD 31964 1.5 −0.11 6108.8 +0.55 43.8 −0.2
HD 41704 4.3 −0.74 5669.2 +0.50 −615.8 5.0
SAO 61681 4.4 0.28 5761.6 +0.652 45.6 4.8
HD 65934 3.0 −0.04 5056.4 +0.93 67.4 2.8
HD 89025 3.4 0.06 7255.2 +0.30 −14.8 −1.1
HD 90861a 2.4 −0.06 4732.8 +1.15 292.8 1.4
HD 90861b 2.0 −0.32 4572.0 +1.15 132 0.9
HD 90861c 2.4 −0.13 4712.0 +1.15 272 1.4
HD 92588 3.5 0.08 5140.4 +0.90 120.4 3.8

Notes.For a few objects more than one spectrum was available as indicated by symbols a, b, and c, the difference in estimated values is indicative of the internal error.


The MV for hot metal-poor stars is uncertain because we did not have good calibrators covering that temperature and metallicity range.

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