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Table 7

“Data-space” algorithm comparison.

Dataset Version C.8 (Chi-square) C.9 (“Flat” prior)
(d.o.f.) Number of “time bins” (d.o.f.) Number of “time bins”
Central sourcea Backgroundb Totalc Central sourcea Backgroundb Totalc

V0332+53 Full 1.062(6603) 12 53 89 1.075(6612) 9 51 80
Limited 1.059(6592) 14 50 100 1.062(6595) 9 50 97
Full* 1.094(6545) 14 96 147 1.100(6550) 12 96 142
Limited* 1.089(6537) 15 96 155 1.094(6539) 12 96 153
GX 339-4 1.218(20 097) 13 71 773
Limited 1.278(20 108) 14 57 762 1.202(19 930) 15 87 940
Limited* 1.259(19 932) 12 267 938 1.189(19 730) 13 267 1140
GRS 1915+105 Limited 1.246(51 585) 100 65 392 1.241(51 553) 102 94 424
Limited* 1.225(51 162) 79 515 791 1.215(51 133) 92 515 840
Cyg X-1 Limited 1.475(40 120) 267 82 624 1.436(40 068) 280 121 676
Limited* 1.458(39 798) 252 448 946 1.423(39 729) 290 448 1015
IGR J17464-3213 Limited* 1.263(132 486) 29 1132 3307

Notes.The algorithm uses the penalty parameter β = 0 for cost function C.9 and β = β0 for cost function C.8 as indicated in bold in Table 6.


The background variability timescale is fixed to about six hours.


The central source from which the processed dataset is named.


Number of segments to describe the background intensity variations and


the total number of segments of the dataset.

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