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Table 2

“Image-space” method final chi-square.

Dataset 4U 1700-377 GX 339-4* GX 1+4* 4U 1700-377*
exposures 4112 1183 4246 4112
sources 142 120 140 142

All sources are assumed to have constant intensity
(d.o.f.) 6.15(71 594) 2.46(19 308) 1.81(69 361) 2.01(67 483)
n seg 1 1 1 4112
“Time bins” from IBIS light curves after S/N scaling (Sect. 6.2.2)
(d.o.f.) 1.28(68 455) 1.186(18 880) 1.193(68 557) 1.186(66 588)
nseg 2245 17 122 4112
“Time bins” from IBIS light curves directly
(d.o.f.) 1.132(65 768) 1.106(18 317) 1.143(66 939) 1.124(64 841)
nseg 3185 46 675 4112



The source 4U 1700-377 is also contained in the FoV and is set to be variable on the exposure duration timescale (~1 h).

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