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Table 1

Observation and result log.

Feb. 13 1998.12 CEW 42.1 276.3 0.60 0.13 175
Feb. 14 1998.12 CEW 42.1 276.4 0.60 0.13 176
Mar. 03 1998.17 CEW 42.5 275.1 0.58 0.13 175
Mar. 20 1998.21 CEW 43.0 273.9 0.58 0.15 176
Nov. 19 1998.88 EW 46.7 260.0 2.40 0.11 163
Nov. 26 1998.90 CEW 46.8 258.8 0.56 0.16 178
Feb. 13 1999.12 CW 47.3 254.6 2.20 0.19 155
Feb. 17 1999.13 CW 47.2 254.2 2.13 0.18 155
Feb. 18 1999.13 CW 47.2 254.0 1.65 0.20 153
Feb. 23 1999.14 CEW 47.0 253.8 0.58 0.14 176
Mar. 29 1999.24 CEW 47.1 251.7 0.58 0.19 179
Mar. 30 1999.24 CEW 47.1 251.6 0.55 0.16 177
Oct. 18 2000.80 CEW 37.3 214.1 0.64 0.11 177
Jan. 09 2002.02 EWNE2 26.2 154.7 0.25 0.13 146
Jan. 12 2002.03 EWNE2 26.1 153.8 0.25 0.15 146
Dec. 20 2002.97 EWNE2 24.5 87.7 0.20 0.15 176
Mar. 11 2004.19 CE, CW 23.5 332.2 0.49 0.28 178
Mar. 12 2004.19 CE, CW 23.6 332.5 0.48 0.29 6
Feb. 24 2006.15 CEN 46.4 261.5 0.28 0.15 23

Notes.Columns 1 and 2 give the date and Julian year, Col. 3 the stations (astrometric stations C, E, W, and N, as well as imaging stations E2, E6, and W7), Cols. 4 and 5 separation (mas) and position angle (deg), respectively, and Cols. 6 to 8 major and minor axes and position angle of the uncertainty ellipse for the derived relative position of binary components.

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