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Table 2

Observational details of the T-ReCS spectra.

Name ObsID Expt. Date PA STD* FWHM
(8.7 μm)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

NGC 1365 0061 624 090 829 15 26967 0.14
NGC 1386 0210,12 2 × 606 060 929 0 23319 0.29
NGC 1808 0076 981 090 829 45 26967 0.20
NGC 3081 0094 606 060 125 0 81797 0.20
0113 606 060 304 350 93813 0.29
NGC 3094 0075,76 2 × 309 040 506 0 81797 1.10
NGC 3281 0120 981 090 328 315 HR3438* 0.17
0033,35 2 × 981 090 406 315 146791 0.20
NGC 4418 0041 309 040 507 40 128620 0.25
0046,47 2 × 309 040 508 40 128620 0.13
0025-28 4 × 327 080 628 30 99998 0.30
NGC 4945 0055,56 2 × 303 060 417 45 110458 0.26
Centaurus A 0198 517 040 131 0 123 139 0.22
NGC 5135 0098 633 060 306 30 101 666 0.19
0106,07 2 × 633 060 310 30 101666 0.16
CIRCINUS 0084,85 2 × 309 040 506 100 81797 1.10
0095-97 3 × 309 040 506 10 81797 1.10
NGC 5506 0107,08 2 × 309 040 506 0 81797 1.10
NGC 5643 0057-60 4 × 303 070 605 80 123139 0.21
0057-59 3 × 327 080 615 80 123139 0.50
0060-62 6 × 327 080 615 80 139127 0.40
NGC 5728 0046,47 2 × 921 090 406 215 146791 0.18
IC 4518W 0081-83 3 × 633 060 417 5 123123 0.22
ESO 103−G35 0065-67 3 × 318 080 616 30 156277 0.24
0068-70 3 × 318 080 616 30 171759 0.51
IC 5063 0078 606 050521 303 81797 0.20
0046 606 050 707 303 81797 0.20
0047 303 050 707 303 81797 0.20
0048 302 050 707 303 81797 0.20
0092 302 050 709 303 81797 0.20
NGC 7130 0061 633 050 918 348 190056 0.30
0062 633 050 918 348 219784 0.35
0111-113 3 × 633 060 704 348 190056 0.14
0057 633 060 829 348 190056 0.24
0107,08 2 × 633 060 916 348 190056 0.19
0097,98 2 × 633 060 925 348 190056 0.25
0099 633 060 925 348 219784 0.29
NGC 7172 0120-22 3 × 309 040 506 60 81797 1.10
0077-80 4 × 327 080 615 90 200914 0.29
0041,42 2 × 318 080 625 90 200914 0.34
0063-66 4 × 327 080 627 90 200914 0.25
3C 445 0098,99 2 × 921 100 606 300 206445 0.24
NGC 7479 0055-57 3 × 327 080 629 10 206445 0.41
0058-60 3 × 327 080 629 10 1255 0.23
NGC 7582 0174,75 2 × 606 050 718 0 BS8556* 0.20



STD: Standard star used to perform flux-calibration. All the standard stars are named with their HD sequence number except those marked with a star. The ObsID (Col. 2) includes the last 4 digits of the name of the observing file. The first 8 digits are the date of the observation (i.e. “S”+ObsID+“S20”+YYMMDD).

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