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Table 2

Positions of the close visual companion of θ1 Ori C.

Date PA ΔPA Diff. pred. PA* Sep. ΔSep. Diff. pred. Sep.* Ref.
[] [] [] [′′] [′′] [′′]

1997.784 226.0 3 33 2 1
1998.383 222.0 5 37 4 1
1999.737 214.0 2 43 1 2
1999.819 213.5 2 42 1 3
2000.873 210.0 2 40 1 3
2001.184 208.0 2 38 1 2
2003.8 19.3 2 29 2 3
2003.925 19.0 2 29 2 3
2003.928 19.1 2 29 2 3
2004.822 10.5 4 24 4 3
2005.921 342.74 2 13.55 0.5 3
2006.149 332.3 3.5 11.80 1.11 4
2007.019 274.9 1 11.04 0.5 5
2007.143 268.1 5.2 11.94 0.31 4
2007.151 272.9 8.8 12.13 1.58 4
2007.175 266.6 2.1 12.17 0.37 4
2007.206 265.6 1.9 12.28 0.41 4
2007.214 263.0 2.3 12.14 0.43 4
2007.901 238.0 2 19.8 2 5
2007.923 241.2 1 19.07 0.5 5
2008.027 237.0 3 19.7 3 5
2008.027 236.5 3 19.6 3 5
2008.071 236.2 2 20.1 2 5
2008.148 234.6 1 21.17 0.5 5
2008.173 236.4 1 21.27 0.5 5
2010.762 216.3 2 +0.9 42.6 1 +0.7 This paper
2010.986 215.7 2 +1.3 43.4 1 +0.8 This paper
2010.989 215.0 2 +0.6 43.1 1 +0.5 This paper



Differences between observed new orbit positions and positions predicted by the orbit obtained by Kraus et al. (2009).

References. (1) Weigelt et al. (1999); (2) Schertl et al. (2003); (3) Kraus et al. (2007); (4) Patience et al. (2008); (5) Kraus et al. (2009).

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