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Table 1

Aspect data and observing log.

Date Obs. time r Δ α λ β V Mov Exp Filter Telescope
YYYY-MM-DD (UTC) [AU] [AU]  [°]   [°]   [°]  [mag] [′′/min] [s]

2008-10-08 04:50–05:47 1.072 0.081 26.2 42.1 –8.8 16.7 4.3 Spec WHT
2011-09-15 19:16–19:35 1.1674 0.1799 24.0 327.2 12.5 18.7 1.5 60 r SALT
2011-09-22 21:23–22:13 1.1432 0.1680 31.4 324.2 9.6 18.7 1.5 60 g,r,i SALT
2011-09-26 03:56–04:08 1.1325 0.1636 35.0 323.1 8.0 18.7 1.5 60 R Kuiper
2011-10-19 03:40–04:17 1.0654 0.1441 57.9 320.7 –5.7 18.9 1.6 60 V,R Kuiper
2011-10-21 03:35–03:46 1.0605 0.1429 59.5 321.0 –7.1 19.0 1.7 60 R Kuiper
2012-01-19 06:34–06:44 1.0871 0.1647 47.7 74.1 –36.2 19.0 3.0 60 R Kuiper
2012-01-26 07:36–07:43 1.1078 0.1841 44.3 82.1 –31.4 19.2 2.8 30 R Kuiper
2012-01-27 06:49–06:56 1.1107 0.1871 44.0 83.1 –30.7 19.2 2.8 60 R Kuiper
2012-02-23 05:16–05:27 1.2016 0.3032 40.1 104.2 –15.4 20.3 1.9 60 R Kuiper
2012-02-24 05:00–05:12 1.2051 0.3087 40.2 104.8 –15.0 20.4 1.9 60 R Kuiper
2012-03-28 04:31–04:45 1.3233 0.5348 42.7 124.1 –5.2 21.8 1.5 60 R Kuiper

Notes. r and Δ are the distances of the asteroid from the Sun and the Earth, respectively, α is the solar phase angle, while λ and β are the geocentric, ecliptic (J2000) longitude and latitude. In the next column an average brightness V of the asteroid, as predicted by the Horizons ephemeris service, is given. Starting from the ninth column, the table gives the asteroid movement on the sky (Mov), the exposure time (Exp), and the filters used (the abbrevation Spec denotes spectroscopic observations).

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