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Table 4

NEP-Wide Infrared point source cataloga.

ID RA Dec – N2 – – N3 – – N4 – – S7 – – S9W – – S11 – – L15 – – L18W –
num [deg] [deg] [mag] [err] [flg] [mag] [err] [flg] [mag] [err] [flg] [mag] [err] [flg] [mag] [err] [flg] [mag] [err] [flg] [mag] [err] [flg] [mag] [err] [flg]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)

3 266.59579 66.47150 19.928 0.066 0 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1
7 266.59860 66.55494 99.000 99.000 –1 17.690 0.013 0 99.000 99.000 –1 18.095 0.073 0 18.500 0.118 0 19.031 0.164 0 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1
18 266.60712 66.53683 19.594 0.051 0 19.073 0.035 2 19.713 0.058 0 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1 18.755 0.145 0 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1
296 266.73248 66.44641 19.057 0.037 3 19.440 0.044 2 18.832 0.029 2 18.218 0.065 0 99.000 99.000 –1 17.346 0.067 0 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1
520 266.79562 66.14382 17.934 0.020 0 18.088 0.018 2 18.502 0.023 0 18.697 0.081 0 16.887 0.043 0 17.081 0.042 0 17.563 0.098 0 17.385 0.067 0
9509 267.66681 65.92631 14.171 0.003 0 14.694 0.003 0 15.335 0.003 0 16.319 0.019 0 16.029 0.022 0 17.089 0.044 0 99.000 99.000 –1 99.000 99.000 –1
24706 268.54489 67.36521 17.518 0.015 0 17.931 0.017 0 18.331 0.021 0 17.333 0.042 0 15.877 0.021 0 16.252 0.024 0 16.555 0.040 0 16.685 0.038 0
ID – L24 – N_flg u g r i z B R I Stell # of src Δθ
num [mag] [err] [flg] [flg] [mag] [err] [mag] [err] [mag] [err] [mag] [err] [mag] [err] [mag] [err] [mag] [err] [mag] [err]
(28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50)

3 99.000 99.000 –1 0 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 22.310 0.170 20.570 0.070 0.460 1 1.146
7 99.000 99.000 –1 0 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 19.780 0.040 17.730 0.040 16.550 0.020 0.980 1 2.053
18 99.000 99.000 –1 0 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 21.470 0.160 20.570 0.150 0.180 1 0.341
296 99.000 99.000 –1 0 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.100 99.000 20.850 0.120 0.010 1 1.072
520 99.000 99.000 –1 0 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.100 99.000 21.360 0.110 0.190 1 2.552
9509 99.000 99.000 –1 0 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 14.230 0.030 13.940 0.010 13.440 0.030 1.000 1 0.515
24706 16.661 0.079 –1 0 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 19.800 0.050 18.650 0.040 18.270 0.030 0.030 1 0.592

Notes. Band merged catalog of AKARI/NEP-Wide sources. Column (1): ID number. Columns (2), (3): coordinates, RA and Dec based on N2 astrometry. Columns (4)–(30): the IRC photometric information of the sources. For each band, magnitudes, magnitude errors and flags are presented. Columns (32)–(41): CFHT Megacam u∗, g′, r′, i′, and z′ magnitudes from Hwang et al. (2007) that are matched with AKARI/NEP-Wide sources. Column (42)–(47): Maidanak B, R, and I magnitudes from Jeon et al. (2010). Column (48): stellarity parameter from two optical data. Column (49): the number of optical counterparts within 3″. Column (50): the angular separation of the optical counterpart from the position of AKARI source.


This table contains only a subset of NEP-Wide sources. The complete version of the catalogs is available at the CDS.


This table is continued from the previous table and contains only a subset of NEP-Wide sources. The complete version of the catalogs is available at the CDS.

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