Fig. 4
Synchrotron and expected corresponding IC emission for the inner and outer lobes of Hydra A. The experimental data for the inner lobes are taken from Bîrzan et al. (2008), Cotton et al. (2009), and Wright et al. (2009) and are shown as red open circles, red filled circles, and red stars, respectively. The radio flux for the outer lobes (indicated by black squares) is adopted from Bîrzan et al. (2008). Additionally the upper limit for the power-law emission at 1 keV for the outer (Northern) lobe (black arrow; Hardcastle & Croston 2010) is included. The red curves correspond to the emission of the inner lobes, and the black curves represent the outer lobes. The solid curves illustrate model (a), the dashed curve model (b) and the dotted curve is for model (c) from Table 2. Fermi and H.E.S.S. limits are shown for Γ = 2.5.
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