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Table 1

The CFHT/AOB-KIR and VLT/ISAAC observations of G21.5-0.9.

Instrument Number Exposure Filter Filter Date
name of time per frame central λ width Δλ of
exposures [s] [μm] [μm] observations

AOB-KIR 31 120.0 2.115 0.350 02.08.2001
AOB-KIR 54 120.0 2.115 0.350 03.08.2001

χ = 27° 9 20.0 2.160 0.270 07.09.2002
27 20.0 2.160 0.270 08.09.2002
χ = 72° 2 20.0 2.160 0.270 07.09.2002
34 20.0 2.160 0.270 08.09.2002
9 68.0 1.64 0.025 08.07.2002
9 68.0 1.64 0.025 22.07.2002
10 68.0 1.71 0.026 08.07.2002
10 68.0 1.71 0.026 22.07.2002



Polarisation mode of ISAAC instrument (Sect. 2.2).


Imaging mode of ISAAC instrument (Sect. 2.4).

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