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Table 4

Parameters for important linesc.

Element ion λ centr χ low log (gf)
(Å) (eV)

Ni i 5392.327 4.154 −1.320
Fe i 5393.167 3.241 0.865
Co i 5393.739 4.058 −0.326
Fe i 5394.346 4.835 −2.102
Mn i 5394.677 0.000 2.803
Fe i 5394.680 4.186 1.320
Co i 5524.985 4.113 −0.533
Fe ii 5525.125 3.267 −4.102
Fe i 5525.477 4.209 −1.994
Fe i 5525.539 4.230 1.484
Fe i 5525.848 5.106 −1.574
Sc ii 5526.790 1.768 0.010
Fe i 5633.946 4.991 0.400



Central wavelength, lower excitation potential, and adopted log gf-values. The adjusted values are marked with a bold font.

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