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Fig. 1


Present Maxwellian-averaged DR and RR rate coefficients for Si ii-Ca viii ions (excluding S iv  −  see Fig. 4): red solid curve, present IC; blue solid curve, present LS; green solid curve, previous recommended compilation (Mazzotta et al. 1998); gray dashed curve, present RR rate coefficient; (a) black dashed curve, Burgess formula (Aldrovandi & Péquignot 1973); (b) black squares, LS (Jacobs et al. 1979); (c) black dash dotted curve, empirical formula (Mewe et al. 1980); (d) open circles, fitted data (Shull & Van Steenberg 1982); (e) red circles, extrapolated fits (Landini & Monsignori Fossi 1991); (f) magenta solid curve, LSR-matrix, RR + DR (Nahar & Pradhan 1995; Nahar 1996, 2000); (i) black dotted curve, low temperature data (Nussbaumer & Storey 1986); and (j) pink dotted curve, configuration-average distorted-wave results (Loch et al. 2007).

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