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Table 1

Known members of the NGC 3933 group.

# Name RA Dec Morpho. Vh BT
[deg] [deg] type [km s-1] [Vega]

1 NGC 3933 178.00845 16.80970 S0-a 3734  ±  10 14.27  ±  0.08
2 NGC 3934 178.05255 16.85163 Sab 3779  ±  4 14.93  ±  0.27
3 UGC 6835 177.97860 16.84582 3549  ±  17 16.68  ±  0.37
4 PGC 213894 178.04985 16.87857 17.78  ±  0.50
5 SDSSJ115204.21+165217.3 178.01745 16.87164 3678  ±  38 17.68  ±  0.50
6 PGC 37112 177.90015 16.66425 4045  ±  28 16.67  ±  0.37

Notes. Morphological type, the systemic heliocentric recession velocity and the B-band total magnitudes in the Vega-systems are derived from the HYPERLEDA data-base.

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