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Table 1

Absorption-corrected 2.0–10 keV X-ray luminosities, bolometric luminosities, black hole masses and Eddington ratios for two Seyfert subtypes.

Name Seyfert log MBH Ref logλX logλ [OIII] 
type (erg s-1) (erg s-1) (erg s-1) (erg s-1) (M)

MCG+8-11-11 1 43.79 42.43 45.25 45.09 8.06 6 –1.92 –2.09
MRK 1218 1 42.69 41.61 43.87 43.76 .... .... .... ....
NGC 2639 1 41.92 40.86 42.94 43.02 8.02 3 –4.20 –4.12
NGC 4151 1 42.40 41.39 43.51 43.54 7.18 2 –2.79 –2.75
MRK 766 1 42.50 41.84 43.62 43.99 6.64 4 –2.13 –1.76
MRK 231 1 42.53 41.96 43.66 45.51 7.24 5 –2.69 –0.85
ARK 564 1 43.37 41.38 44.71 44.93 6.50 4 –0.91 –0.69
NGC 7469 1 43.45 42.96 44.82 45.62 6.84 7 –1.14 –0.34
MRK 926 1 44.20 42.25 45.79 45.79 7.14 6 –0.47 –0.46
MRK 530 1 43.70 40.98 45.14 44.53 8.08 7 –2.06 –2.67
MRK 348 2 43.45 42.19 44.81 44.85 7.21 7 –1.51 –1.47
MRK 1 2 42.50 42.39 43.63 45.04 7.16 7 –2.64 –1.23
NGC 2273 2 42.74 41.16 43.92 43.82 7.30 7 –2.50 –2.60
MRK 78 2 44.09 43.29 45.64 45.94 7.87 7 –1.34 –1.04
NGC 5135 2 42.68 42.42 43.85 45.08 7.35 1 –2.62 –1.39
MRK 477 2 44.44 43.44 46.11 46.10 7.20 1 –0.21 –0.22
NGC 5929 2 42.04 40.98 43.07 43.64 7.25 7 –3.29 –2.72
NGC 7212 2 43.90 42.80 45.39 45.46 7.47 1 –1.19 –1.12
MRK 533 2 43.91 42.64 45.41 45.30 7.56 7 –1.27 –1.38
NGC 7682 2 43.07 41.76 44.33 44.42 7.28 7 –2.06 –1.98

Notes. Column (1), source name; Col. (2), Seyfert subtype; Col. (3), absorption-corrected 2.0–10 keV X-ray luminosity; Col. (4), extinction-corrected [OIII] luminosity; Col. (5), bolometric luminosity derived from 2.0–10 keV X-ray luminosity; Col. (6), bolometric luminosity derived from [OIII] line luminosity; Col. (7), black hole masses; Col. (8), references for black hole masses; Col. (9) Eddington ratio where the estimated bolometric luminosity is derived from X-ray luminosity; Col. (10), Eddington ratio where the estimated bolometric luminosity is derived from [OIII] line luminosity.


[OIII] luminosity is uncorrected for extinction as the Balmer decrement value is unavailable.

References. 1: Bian & Gu (2007), 2: Kaspi et al. (2000), 3: McElory (1995), 4: Merloni et al. (2003), 5: Dasyra et al. (2006), 6: Wang & Zhang (2007), 7: Woo & Urry (2002).

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