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Table 5

Results of the spot modelling of the light curves of HD 199143 and CD−64°1208.

Star initial HJD final HJD M σ λ ME λ TR A ME A TR

HD 199143 2 453 555.02 2 453 558.32 27 0.00620 1.0 40.0 1.1222 1.0967 0.0200 0.0678
HD 199143 2 453 578.34 2 453 580.32 63 0.00246 0.15 6.0 1.0366 1.0506 0.0910 0.2392
CD−64°1208 2 453 473.14 2 453 558.26 43 0.00683 2.5 50.0 0.8542 0.8529 0.0720 0.1620

Notes. From left to the right, the name of the star, the initial and final HJD of the light curve, the number of photometric points in the light curve M, their standard deviation σ, the Lagrangian multiplier of the ME and TR optimizations, the corresponding reduced χ2 and the total spotted area in units of the entire photosphere of the star, respectively.

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