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Table 1

Effective temperature and surface gravity of the primary of AA Dor, determined in previous and the present spectral analyses.

Teff log g He Mpri Ms) Method Reference
(K) (cm/s2) (mass fraction) (km s-1) (M) (M)

41 000 5.4 0.28 LTE1 Kudritzki (1976)
44 200 5.2 0.28 NLTE1 Kudritzki (1976)
41 700 5.9 0.8 LTE1 Kudritzki (1976)
42 000 5.7 0.8 NLTE1 Kudritzki (1976)
40 000 5.3 ± 0.2 0.012 0.3 0.04 NLTE1 Kudritzki et al. (1982)
42   000 ± 1000 5.21 ± 0.1 0.0032 34.0 0.33 0.066 NLTE2 Rauch (2000)
42   000 ± 1000 5.30 ± 0.1 0.0032 35.0 NLTE3 Fleig et al. (2008)
37   800 ± 500 5.51 ± 0.05 0.005 30.0 0.51 0.085 LTE4 Müller et al. (2010)
42   000 ± 1000 5.46 ± 0.05 0.0027 30.0 0.47 0.079 NLTE5 this work



H+He models, two grids with fixed NHe/NH ratios only, 1st investigation of NLTE effects, no errors given.


H+He+C+N+O+Mg+Si+Fe+Ni, Fe+Ni data from Kurucz (1991), optical spectra, assumed bound rotation ( km s-1).


H+He+C+N+O+Mg+Si+P+S+Ca+Sc+Ti+V+Cr+Mn+Fe+Co+Ni, Ca-Ni data from Kurucz (1991), optical and FUV spectra.


H+He metal enhanced (z = ten times solar), optical spectra.


H+He+C+N+O+Mg+Si+P+S+Ca+Sc+Ti+V+Cr+Mn+Fe+Co+Ni, Ca-Ni data from Kurucz (2009), optical spectra, from Müller et al. (2010).

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