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Table 4

Constellations in Halley.

C N E Constellation Fig.

1 Sco 29 1 Scorpius D.1
2 Sgr 21 30 Sagittarius D.2
3 Eri 30 51 Eridanus D.3
4 CMa 5 81 Canis Maior D.4
5 PsA 1 86 Piscis Austrinus D.5
6 Col 10 87 Colomba Noachi D.6
7 Arg 46 97 Argo Navis D.7
8 RCa 12 143 Robur Carolinum D.8
9 Hya 5 155 Hydra D.9
10 Cen 35 160 Centaurus D.10
11 Lup 23 195 Lupus D.11
12 Ara 9 218 Ara, Thuribulum D.12
13 CrA 12 227 Corona Australis D.13
14 Gru 13 239 Grus D.14
15 Phe 13 252 Phoenix D.16
16 Pav 14 265 Pavo D.15
17 Aps 11 279 Apus Avis, Inidica D.18
18 Mus 4 290 Musca Apis D.17
19 Cha 10 294 Chamaeleon D.19
20 TrA 5 304 Triangulum Australe D.20
21 Vol 8 309 Piscis Volans D.21
22 Dor 6 317 Dorado, Xiphias D.23
23 Tuc 9 323 Toucan, Anser Americanus D.24
24 Hyi 10 332 Hydrus D.22
all 341

Notes. For each constellation the columns give the sequence number C, the abbreviation we use, the number of stars in the constellation N, the sequence number of the first star in the constellation E, the constellation name and the figure where it is shown. Due to bad weather, Halley observed only 1 star in Piscis Austrinus, and none in Indus.

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