Table 4
Constellations in Halley.
C | N | E | Constellation | Fig. | |
1 | Sco | 29 | 1 | Scorpius | D.1 |
2 | Sgr | 21 | 30 | Sagittarius | D.2 |
3 | Eri | 30 | 51 | Eridanus | D.3 |
4 | CMa | 5 | 81 | Canis Maior | D.4 |
5 | PsA | 1 | 86 | Piscis Austrinus | D.5 |
6 | Col | 10 | 87 | Colomba Noachi | D.6 |
7 | Arg | 46 | 97 | Argo Navis | D.7 |
8 | RCa | 12 | 143 | Robur Carolinum | D.8 |
9 | Hya | 5 | 155 | Hydra | D.9 |
10 | Cen | 35 | 160 | Centaurus | D.10 |
11 | Lup | 23 | 195 | Lupus | D.11 |
12 | Ara | 9 | 218 | Ara, Thuribulum | D.12 |
13 | CrA | 12 | 227 | Corona Australis | D.13 |
14 | Gru | 13 | 239 | Grus | D.14 |
15 | Phe | 13 | 252 | Phoenix | D.16 |
16 | Pav | 14 | 265 | Pavo | D.15 |
17 | Aps | 11 | 279 | Apus Avis, Inidica | D.18 |
18 | Mus | 4 | 290 | Musca Apis | D.17 |
19 | Cha | 10 | 294 | Chamaeleon | D.19 |
20 | TrA | 5 | 304 | Triangulum Australe | D.20 |
21 | Vol | 8 | 309 | Piscis Volans | D.21 |
22 | Dor | 6 | 317 | Dorado, Xiphias | D.23 |
23 | Tuc | 9 | 323 | Toucan, Anser Americanus | D.24 |
24 | Hyi | 10 | 332 | Hydrus | D.22 |
all | 341 |
Notes. For each constellation the columns give the sequence number C, the abbreviation we use, the number of stars in the constellation N, the sequence number of the first star in the constellation E, the constellation name and the figure where it is shown. Due to bad weather, Halley observed only 1 star in Piscis Austrinus, and none in Indus.
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