Table 2
Constellations in the Secunda Classis of Kepler.
CK | N | K | OT | Constellation | Fig. | |
4 | Cep | 1 | 1005 | 12 | Cepheus | I-C.6 |
5 | Boo | 1 | 1006 | 29 | Bootes | I-C.7 |
7 | Her | 3 | 1007 | 29 | Hercules | I-C.9 |
9 | Cyg | 1 | 1010 | 28 | Cygnus | I-C.11 |
11 | Per | 1 | 1011 | 34 | Perseus | I-C.15 |
13 | Oph | 26 | 1012 | 38 | Ophiuchus | C.21 |
14 | Ser | 13 | 1038 | 14 | Serpens | C.21 |
21 | And | 3 | 1051 | 24 | Andromeda | I-C.27 |
24 | Ari | 2 | 1054 | 22 | Aries | I-C.30,I-C.45 |
25 | Tau | 16 | 1056 | 44 | Taurus | C.22 |
26 | Gem | 1 | 1072 | 30 | Gemini | I-C.31 |
27 | Cnc | 2 | 1073 | 16 | Cancer | I-C.35 |
29 | Vir | 2 | 1075 | 40 | Virgo | I-C.37 |
30 | Lib | 2 | 1077 | 19 | Libra | I-C.38 |
31 | Sco | 17 | 1079 | 11 | Scorpius | C.16 |
32 | Sgr | 17 | 1096 | 30 | Sagittarius | C.24 |
34 | Aqr | 4 | 1113 | 42 | Aquarius | I-C.43 |
35 | Psc | 6 | 1117 | 37 | Pisces | I-C.44 |
36 | Cet | 4 | 1123 | 22 | Cetus | I-C.45 |
38 | Eri | 20 | 1127 | 20 | Eridanus | C.25 |
40 | CMa | 16 | 1147 | 14 | Canis Maior | C.6 |
42 | Arg | 42 | 1163 | 12 | Argo | C.7 |
43 | Hya | 9 | 1205 | 25 | Hydra | C.26 |
46 | Cen | 33 | 1214 | 5 | Centaurus | C.8 |
47 | Lup | 19 | 1247 | 1 | Lupus | C.12 |
48 | Ara | 7 | 1266 | 1 | Ara | C.15 |
49 | CrA | 13 | 1273 | 1 | Corona Australis | C.2 |
50 | PsA | 17 | 1286 | 1 | Piscis Austrinus | C.27 |
all | 298 |
Notes. For each constellation the columns give the sequence number CK (in KeplerE for CK < 46), its abbreviation, the number N of stars added in Secunda Classis to KeplerE, and for the first star in the constellation the sequence number in the whole catalogue K and the sequence number within the constellation OT. Note that the numbers CK (≥46), K and OT are continued from KeplerE. We also give the Figure in which the new stars are depicted, where prefix “I-” refers to Paper I.
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