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Table 2

Constellations in the Secunda Classis of Kepler.

CK N K OT Constellation Fig.

4 Cep 1 1005 12 Cepheus I-C.6
5 Boo 1 1006 29 Bootes I-C.7
7 Her 3 1007 29 Hercules I-C.9
9 Cyg 1 1010 28 Cygnus I-C.11
11 Per 1 1011 34 Perseus I-C.15
13 Oph 26 1012 38 Ophiuchus C.21
14 Ser 13 1038 14 Serpens C.21
21 And 3 1051 24 Andromeda I-C.27
24 Ari 2 1054 22 Aries I-C.30,I-C.45
25 Tau 16 1056 44 Taurus C.22
26 Gem 1 1072 30 Gemini I-C.31
27 Cnc 2 1073 16 Cancer I-C.35
29 Vir 2 1075 40 Virgo I-C.37
30 Lib 2 1077 19 Libra I-C.38
31 Sco 17 1079 11 Scorpius C.16
32 Sgr 17 1096 30 Sagittarius C.24
34 Aqr 4 1113 42 Aquarius I-C.43
35 Psc 6 1117 37 Pisces I-C.44
36 Cet 4 1123 22 Cetus I-C.45
38 Eri 20 1127 20 Eridanus C.25
40 CMa 16 1147 14 Canis Maior C.6
42 Arg 42 1163 12 Argo C.7
43 Hya 9 1205 25 Hydra C.26
46 Cen 33 1214 5 Centaurus C.8
47 Lup 19 1247 1 Lupus C.12
48 Ara 7 1266 1 Ara C.15
49 CrA 13 1273 1 Corona Australis C.2
50 PsA 17 1286 1 Piscis Austrinus C.27
all 298

Notes. For each constellation the columns give the sequence number CK (in KeplerE for CK < 46), its abbreviation, the number N of stars added in Secunda Classis to KeplerE, and for the first star in the constellation the sequence number in the whole catalogue K and the sequence number within the constellation OT. Note that the numbers CK (≥46), K and OT are continued from KeplerE. We also give the Figure in which the new stars are depicted, where prefix “I-” refers to Paper I.

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