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Table 10

Stars in Secunda Classis repeating a star in KeplerE.

Secunda Classis KeplerE
K Con ΔS(′) HIP K Con ΔK(′)

1006 Boo 131.5 75 312 143 Boo 2.8
1012 Oph 10.4 78 727 685 Lib 3.2
1013 Oph 34.0 78 207 684 Lib 2.6
1014 Oph 19.5 77 853 683 Lib 3.3
1015 Oph 18.6 80 628 348 Oph 3.9
1023 Oph 25.1 86 284 336 Oph 46.4
1024 Oph 25.1 84 893 341 Oph 55.7
1027 Oph 5.1 84 970 355 Oph 131.6
1028 Oph 10.3 85 340 356 Oph 86.7
1029 Oph 22.0 85 755 357 Oph 97.5
1032 Oph 33.4 88 149 349 Oph 3.3
1033 Oph 23.2 88 192 350 Oph 2.7
1034 Oph 53.4 88 601 352 Oph 4.9
1035 Oph 41.1 88 290 351 Oph 2.7
1037 Oph 64.3 88 771 342 Oph 4.4
1038 Ser 15.9 77 257 343 Oph 2.6
1040 Ser 17.5 84 880 344 Oph 5.9
1041 Ser 24.3 86 263 345 Oph 4.7
1042 Ser 21.2 86 565 346 Oph 2.8
1054 Ari 31.6 13 061 504 Ari 3.8
1055 Ari 32.6 12 828 823 Cet 13.3
1057 Tau 4.1 17 499 534 Tau 37.1
1058 Tau 2.8 17 702 536 Tau 1.5
1059 Tau 3.3 17 608 535 Tau 8.6
1062 Tau 2.5 17 847 537 Tau 2.5
1063 Tau 56.3 16 852 918 Eri 0.6
1064 Tau 47.0 23 497 522 Tau 35.8
1068 Tau 69.7 26 640 326 Aur 1.3
1069 Tau 34.2 27 468 327 Aur 0.9
1070 Tau 36.1 27 830 324 Aur 2.1
1071 Tau 56.9 28 237 325 Aur 2.0
1072 Gem 6.0 29 696 323 Aur 1.4
1127 Eri 53.3 20 507 917 Eri 2.2
1128 Eri 120.1 19 849 916 Eri 0.7
1129 Eri 123.6 13 701 911 Eri 0.6
1148 CMa 38.5 31 592 938 CMA 18.8
1205 Hya 78.3 42 313 980 Hyd 1.4
1206 Hya 14.9 42 799 963 Hyd 1.3
Secunda Classis Tertia Classis
1296 PsA 41.0 108 085 1303 Gru 11.0

Notes. For each repeat star in Secunda Classis, the table gives the constellation and position error Δs to its identification HIP, and the sequence number and constellation of the corresponding entry in KeplerE with its position error ΔK. In one case the corresponding entry is in Tertia Classis

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