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Table 1

Comparison of energies (in Ry) for the N2+ target states.

Configuration Term present KS2002a Experimentalb

1s22s22p 2 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000
1s22s2p2 4P 0.509051 0.51771 0.52091
2D 0.933243 0.92246 0.91960
2S 1.235909 1.20597 1.19279
2P 1.362871 1.33866 1.32898
1s22p3 4 1.706032 1.70403 1.70123
2 1.872797 1.85796 1.84962
2 2.144377 2.11771 2.09865



Theoretical calculations by Kisielius & Storey (2002);


Eriksson (1983).

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