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Table 1

Night-by-night results of MAGIC January 2007 observations of 3C 279.

Observation night [MJD] Observation time [min] Excess events [counts] Background events [counts] On/Off scaling factor1 Significance2

54 115 149.5 17.6 97.4 0.058 1.7
54 116 151.1 64.1 102.9 0.062 5.6
54 117 157.2 –7.9 100.9 0.060 –0.8
54 118 153.6 –6.0 82.0 0.049 –0.7
54 120 164.1 –12.3 117.3 0.07 –1.1
54 121 166.7 12.7 119.3 0.07 1.1
54 122 175.1 18.2 126.8 0.076 1.5



The scaling factor is the ratio between the on and the off distribution normalized outside the signal region.


Significance is given as standard deviations and is not corrected for seven trials, arising from diving the data sample by seven (corresponding to seven nights with good quality data).

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