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Table 3

Column densities of OCN and H2O, and abundance of OCN in background stars (top of the table) and low-mass YSO (bottom of the table).

Source Spectral Class N(OCN)b N(H2O)a [OCN]c
indexa  × 1016 mol cm-2  × 1016 mol cm-2 %

Elias 13 ... ... ... 100 0
Elias 16 ... ...  < 2.3 250 0
EC 118 (CK2) ... ... ... 3.5 0

HH46 1.70 I 4.90(38) 779(77) 0.63(8)
HH100 IRS 0.8 I 0.80(4) 245(24) 0.33(8)
EC 90A –0.09 I 0.20(12) 169(16) 0.12(5)
EC 90B –0.09 I 1.12(24) 169(16) 0.86(12)
IRS 51 –0.15 I/II 1.46(26) 192 0.76(12)
RNO 91 0.03 II/III 1.74(20) 425(36) 0.41(6)

Notes. The values into parentheses are uncertainties.


Boogert et al. (2008);


van Broekhuizen et al. (2005);


as a percentage of the abundance of H2O.

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