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Table 1

Line ratios and general properties of the observed galaxies.

Galaxy RA Dec V Helio Log(LIR/L) Class Type Num.
[h:m:s]  [ °:′:′′ ]  [km s-1]

IRAS 17208 17:23:21.9 –00:17:01 12834 0.78(0.12) 0.77(0.14) 0.31(0.07) 0.42(0.10) 12.35 1B L 1
IC 860 13:15:03.5 +24:37:08 3347 0.62(0.16) 0.62(0.16) 0.42(0.13) 1.04(0.29) 18.96(3.83) 11.14 2B L 2
Mrk 231 12:56:14.2 +56:52:25 12642 0.56(0.08) 0.38(0.06)  <0.07 0.29(0.12) 12.37 1A A, L 3
NGC 1614 04:33:59.8 –08:34:44 4778 1.83(0.37) 0.33(0.15)  <0.35 1.00(0.33) 28.81(2.10) 11.43 1C S 4
NGC 3079 10:01:57.8 +55:40:47 1116 1.12(0.11) 0.27(0.05)  <0.06 0.54(0.09) 17.10(1.16) 10.65 2C A 5
NGC 4194 12:14:09.5 +54:31:37 2501 1.32(0.35) 0.53(0.23)  <0.20 0.98(0.36) 19.10(1.90) 10.93 1C S 6
NGC 4388 12:25:46.7 +12:39:44 2524 1.38(0.40) 0.62(0.24)  <0.35 0.81(0.52) 9.66 2A A 7
NGC 4418 12:26:54.6 –00:52:39 2110 0.59(0.10) 0.47(0.09) 0.37(0.09) 0.64(0.18) 11.00 3A L 8
NGC 6090 16:11:40.7 +52:27:24 8785 1.67(0.44) 0.25(0.17)  <0.18 0.46(0.20) 11.34 1C L 9
NGC 6240 16:52:58.9 +02:24:03 7339 1.63(0.14) 0.20(0.06)  <0.09 0.36(0.08) 28.79(2.99) 11.69 2B L 10
NGC 7469 23:03:15.6 +08:52:26 4892 1.12(0.11) 0.55(0.08)  <0.07 0.75(0.24) 20.80(0.47) 11.41 1B A 11
NGC 7771 23:51:24.9 +20:06:43 4277 0.94(0.09) 0.44(0.07) 0.06(0.04) 0.32(0.06) 13.61(0.52) 11.24 L 12
NGC 660 01:43:02.4 +13:38:42 850 1.04(0.09) 0.52(0.06)  <0.07 0.45(0.08) 16.45(0.49) 10.40 2C S 13
NGC 3556 11:11:31.0 +55:40:27 699 1.57(0.37) 0.37(0.24)  <0.27 1.56(0.37) 12.50(0.31) 10.00 S 14
NGC 1068 02:42:40.7 –00:00:48 1137 0.67(0.03) 0.40(0.03) 0.04(0.02) 0.37(0.09) 10.89 1A A 15
NGC 7674 23:27:56.7 +08:46:45 8671 14.46(1.18) 11.50 A 16
UGC 2866 03:50:14.9 +70:05:41 1232 1.46(0.20) 0.51(0.13)  <0.14 0.88(0.17) 20.68(0.80) 10.69 S 17
UGC 5101 09:35:51.6 +61:21:11 11802 0.36(0.20) 0.82(0.28)  <0.28 0.89(0.37)  >8.63 11.87 2B A, L 18
NGC 2273 06:50:08.6 +60:50:45 1840 1.05(0.37) 1.09(0.38)  <0.89  <0.89 10.11 1B A 19
Arp 220 15:34:57.2 +23:30:09 5382 0.47(0.07) 0.49(0.12) 0.19(0.06) 12.15 3B L 20
IRAS 15250 15:26:59.4 +35:58:38 16535 12.02 3A L 21
NGC 1140 02:54:33.6 –10:01:40 1501 9.50 1C S 22
NGC 1056 02:42:48.3 +28:34:27 1545 9.50 S 23
NGC 1377 03:36:39.1 –20:54:07 1792 - 9.63 3A O 24

Notes. The mid-IR Class column refers to the classification by Spoon et al. (2007), based on the PAH equivalent width and silicate absorption in the mid-infrared. The column Type summarizes the properties of the object, distinguishing between starbursts (S), Seyferts (A), and LIRGs (L). The galaxy NGC 1377 is classified as obscured (O), because it emits mostly in the IR, but its luminosity is not high enough to be classified as LIRG. For a discussion about source types see Sect. 2. In Figs. 1, 4 and 5, the sources are labelled with the numbers reported in column Num.

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