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Table 4

Planet and star parameters.


Planet orbital period P [days] 1.51214  ±  0.00013
Primary transit epoch Ttr [HJD-2 400 000] 54 787.6694  ±  0.0053
Primary transit duration dtr [h] 1.662  ±  0.044
Results from radial velocity observations

Epoch of periastron T0 [HJD-2 400 000] 54   787.6702 (fixed)
Orbital eccentricity e 0 (fixed)
Radial velocity semi-amplitude K [m s-1] 1230 ± 34
Fitted transit parameters

Radius ratio k = Rp/R 0.0925  ±  0.0019
Limb darkening coefficientsau+ = ua + ub 0.67  ±  0.03
u = ua − ub 0.19  ±  0.03
Inclination i [deg] 79.6  ±  0.8
Deduced transit parameters

Scaled semi-major axis a/R 4.78  ±  0.28
[solar units] 0.86  ±  0.02
Stellar density ρ [g cm-3] 0.91  ±  0.17
Impact parameterbb 0.86  ±  0.02
Spectroscopic parameters

Effective temperature Teff [K] 6035  ±  100
Surface gravity log g [dex] 4.35  ±  0.15
Metallicity  [ Fe/H ]  [dex] 0.05  ±  0.15
Stellar rotational velocity v sin i[km s-1] 9.0  ±  0.5
Spectral type F9V
Stellar and planetary physical parameters from combined analysis

Star mass [M] 1.13  ±  0.09
Star radius [R] 1.21  ±  0.08
Distance of the system [pc] 1340  ±  110
Stellar rotation period Prot [days] 5.7
Age of the star t [Gyr] 0.4–8.0
Orbital semi-major axis a [AU] 0.0270  ±  0.002
Planet mass Mp [MJ ]c 7.6 ± 0.6
Planet radius Rp [RJ]c 1.09 ± 0.07
Planet density ρp [gcm-3] 7.3 ± 1.5
Equilibrium temperatured [K] 1952 ± 66



I(μ)/I(1) = 1 − ua(1 − μ) − ub(1 − μ)2, where I(1) is the specific intensity at the center of the disk and μ = cosγ, where γ is the angle between the surface normal and the line of sight.




Radius and mass of Jupiter taken as 71 492 km and 1.8986  ×  1030 g, respectively.


Zero albedo equilibrium temperature for an isotropic planetary emission.

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