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Table 1

IDs, coordinates and magnitudes.

CoRoT window ID LRa02 E2 5503
CoRoT ID 110864907
USNO-A2 ID 0825-03434910
2MASS ID J06534181-0532097
GSC2.3 ID S10023017631

RA (J2000) 06:53:41.80
Dec (J2000) –05:32:09.82

Filter Mag Error

B a 16.891 0.156
V a 16.033 0.070
ra 15.672 0.048
J b 14.321 0.036
H b 14.007 0.047
K b 13.806 0.053



Provided by Exo-Dat (Deleuil et al, 2009) based on 4-color photometry taken at the 2.5 m INT;


from 2MASS catalog.

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