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Table 1

Observation log of the echelle spectroscopy of V351 Ori.

Date HJD – 2 454 000 texp(s) Hα  profile typea

2008-10-27 767.28–767.41 2700  ×  4 IV-R, inverse P Cygni
2008-10-30 770.38 2700  ×  1 II-R, double peak
2008-12-11 812.32 2700  ×  1 IV-R
2008-12-28 829.10–829.32 2700  ×  6 IV-R
2008-12-29 830.10–830.37 2700  ×  8 IV-R
2009-01-17 849.11–849.22 2700  ×  4 III-R, double peak
2009-01-18 850.10–850.32 2700  ×  4 III-R
2009-01-19 851.09–851.35 2700  ×  5 III-R
2009-01-20 852.07–852.18 2700  ×  2 III-R
2009-03-02 893.11–893.15 2700  ×  2 III-R
2009-03-03 894.20 2700  ×  1 II-R
2009-03-29 920.16 2700  ×  1 IV-R
2009-03-30 921.07–921.11 2700  ×  2 II-R
2009-03-31 922.08 2700  ×  1 III-R
2009-04-26 948.07 2700  ×  1 III-R
2009-04-27 949.07 2700  ×  1 II-R
2009-04-28 950.07 2700  ×  1 II-R



Based on the classification scheme adopted from Reipurth et al. (1996). Type II-R profile represents a double peak profile where the red-sided peak exceeds the strength of the blue-sided peak by half. Type III-R also represents double peak profile with the red-sided peak less than half the strength of the blue-sided peak. Type IV-R represents the inverse P Cygni profile.

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