Fig. 16
Equivalent widths (Wλ) of Lyα at 1240 (Col. 1) and 1500 Å (Col. 2) and He ii λ1640 (Col. 3) for a primordial metallicity nebula at different densities and ionization parameters (marked with different symbols as defined in the inset). The red symbols show an upper limit for Wλ(Lyα) since they are calculated using only stellar (black body) continuum. Blue symbols – the most realistic predictions – show the results obtained for the corresponding stellar population SEDs (models with the same P in the case of Lyα and with the same log (Q(He + ) / Q(H)) for the He ii analysis, for simplicity only models with log (U) = −1 are shown) and the pink ones their case B predictions. Notice the dependence of the He ii λ1640 equivalent width on the ionization parameter and the discrepancy between its case B and photoionization model predictions for real SEDs.
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