Issue |
Volume 521, October 2010
Herschel/HIFI: first science highlights
Article Number | L19 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Letters | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 October 2010 |
Herschel/HIFI: first science highlights
A sample of [C II] clouds tracing dense clouds in weak FUV fields observed by Herschel![[*]](/icons/foot_motif.png)
J. L. Pineda - T. Velusamy - W. D. Langer - P. F. Goldsmith - D. Li - H. W. Yorke
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109-8099, USA
Received 31 May 2010 / Accepted 27 July 2010
The [C II] fine-structure line at 158 m is an excellent
tracer of the warm diffuse gas in the ISM and the interfaces between
molecular clouds and their surrounding atomic and ionized envelopes.
Here we present the initial results from Galactic observations of
terahertz C+ (GOT C+), a Herschel key project devoted to
studying the [C II] emission in the Galactic plane using the
HIFI instrument. We used the [C II] emission, together with
observations of CO, as a probe to understand the effects of newly
formed stars on their interstellar environment and characterize the
physical and chemical state of the star-forming gas. We collected
data along 16 lines-of-sight passing near star-forming regions in
the inner Galaxy near longitudes 330
and 20
We identified
fifty-eight [C II] components that are associated with
high-column density molecular clouds as traced by 13CO
emission. We combined [C II], 12CO, and 13CO
observations to derive the physical conditions of the [C
II]-emitting regions in our sample of high-column density clouds
based on comparing results from a grid of photon dominated region
(PDR) models. From this unbiased sample, our results suggest that
most of the [C II] emission originates in clouds with H2volume densities between 103.5 and 105.5 cm-3 and weak
FUV strength (
). We find two regions where our analysis
suggest high densities >105 cm-3 and strong FUV fields
), likely associated with massive star
formation. We suggest that [C II] emission in conjunction with
CO isotopes is a good tool for differentiating regions of massive star
formation (high densities/strong FUV fields) and regions that are
distant from massive stars (lower densities/weaker FUV fields) along
the line-of-sight.
Key words: ISM: structure - photon-dominated region - ISM: supernova remnants - evolution
1 Introduction
The study of processes governing the formation and destruction of molecular clouds is critical for understanding how galaxies have evolved in our Universe. In terms of column and local volume densities only two extreme states of cloud evolution have been systematically observed: diffuse atomic clouds traced by the 21 cm line of H I (e.g. Kalberla & Kerp 2009) and dense molecular clouds traced by rotational transitions of CO (e.g. Dame et al. 2001). We know, however, very little about the intermediate phases of cloud evolution and the interface between diffuse and dense molecular gas.
Galactic Observations of Terahertz C+ (GOT C+), a Herschel key project, is devoted to studying the [C
II] emission in different environments in our Galaxy. The survey
will observe the [C II] 158 m line over a
volume-weighted sampling of 500 lines-of-sight (LOS). Upon
completion, it will provide a database of a few thousand [C
II]-emitting clouds distributed over the entire Galactic plane.
The [C II] fine-structure line at 158 m is an excellent
tracer of the interface between diffuse and dense molecular gas. The
densities and temperatures in this interface allow effective
collisional excitation of this line. The H I and
volume densities are a significant fraction of, or are comparable to,
the critical densities for collisional excitation
cm-3at T=100 K, respectively), the kinetic temperatures are
100 K, and the formation of CO is inhibited by limited
shielding against far-ultraviolet (FUV) photons, and therefore most of
the gas-phase carbon is in C+ and some C0.
Here we present the first results for the molecular cloud-atomic cloud
interface from the GOT C+ project. During the Herschel priority
science and performance verification phase, we have collected data
along 5 LOSs near l=340 and 9 LOSs near
(Velusamy et al. 2010). The focus of this letter is to
study [C II] components towards clouds that have sufficient
column density to have significant 13CO emission. Such regions
can be considered as dense photon-dominated regions (or
photodissociation regions, or PDRs). PDRs are regions where the
chemistry and thermal balance is dominated by the effects of FUV
photons from young stars (Hollenbach & Tielens 1999, and references
therein). These data are therefore important for
studying the stellar feedback of newly formed massive stars in their
progenitor molecular cloud. We combine the [C II] data with
observations of 12CO and 13CO from the ATNF Mopra 22-m
telescope to study 58 high-column density PDRs and use the [C
II]/12CO and [C II]/13CO integrated intensity ratios
to constrain physical conditions of the line-emitting gas comparing
with a grid of PDR models.
The Galactic plane has been studied in [C II] with
low-velocity and spatial resolution observations with COBE
(Bennett et al. 1994) and BICE (Nakagawa et al. 1998). The high angular
and velocity (0.2 km s-1) resolution of the
Herschel/HIFI observations allow us to study the rich structure of
molecular cloud along the line-of-sight towards the Galactic plane for
the first time. The Kuiper Airborne Observatory allowed the study of
a handful of H II regions with velocity-resolved [C II]
observations (e.g. Boreiko & Betz 1991; Boreiko et al. 1988). However, they were
limited to massive star-forming regions with dense and hot PDRs. The
sensitivity of our observations allow us to study the population of
PDRs in our galaxy that are exposed to weaker FUV radiation fields.
2 Observations
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Figure 1: [C II], 12CO,13CO, and C18O spectra towards the line-of-sight G337.826+0.0. The arrows indicate the [C II] components that have 13CO counterparts. |
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2.1 Herschel observations
We observed the [C II] 2P
P1/2 line at
1900.5469 GHz towards 16 LOSs in the Galactic plane with the HIFI
(de Graauw et al. 2010) instrument onboard the Herschel Space Observatory (Pilbratt et al. 2010). We refer to Velusamy et al. (2010) for more
details about the [C II] observations. In
Fig. 1 we show sample LOS spectra of [C
II], 12CO, 13CO, and C18O.
2.2 Mopra observations
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Figure 2: ( left panel) The observed [C II]/12CO and [C II]/13CO integrated intensity ratios for our sample of [C II] components associated with high-column density molecular clouds. The ratios are calculated from integrated intensities in units of K km s-1. The horizontal error bars are uncertainties in determining the [C II] integrated intensities. The vertical error bars are the uncertainties in the line ratios, which are derived from error propagation. ( central and right panels) Results of the comparison between [C II]/12CO and [C II]/13CO ratios for all identified [C II] components and the PDR model grid showing the constrained ranges in FUV radiation field ( central panel) and H2 volume density ( right panel). The arrows indicate lower limits to the H2 volume density. |
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We observed the
transitions of 12CO, 13CO, and
C18O toward the observed [C II] LOSs. These observations
are part of a survey of all GOT C+ positions towards the inner
Galaxy between l=-175.5
and l=56.8
conducted at the ATNF
Mopra Telescope. The angular resolution of these observations is
Typical system temperatures were 600, 300, and 250 K for
12CO, 13CO, and C18O, respectively. To convert from
antenna to main-beam temperature scale, we used a main-beam
efficiency of 0.42 (Ladd et al. 2005). All lines were observed
simultaneously with the MOPS spectrometer in zoom mode. The spectra
were smoothed in velocity to 0.8 km s-1 for 12CO and
13CO and to 1.6 km s-1 for C18O. Typical rms noise is
0.6 K for 12CO and 0.1 K for both 13CO and C18O. We
checked pointing accuracy every 60 min using the closest and
brightest SiO maser.
3 [C II] components associated with molecular clouds
We identify a total of 146 [C II] velocity components in the observed LOSs. From this data set we identify components that are associated with high-column density molecular gas by looking for 13CO counterparts. We identified most of the high-13CO column density [C II] components by fitting Gaussian functions defined by fitting the corresponding 13CO spectra. The only exception was G337.826+0.0, for which we calculated the integrated intensity by determining the area within the FHWM of the 13CO emission, as this line-of-sight shows complex velocity structure. Based on the 13CO line parameters, we identify 58 [C II] components associated with dense molecular gas. All of them also show 12CO emission, while 12 show C18O emission. The remaining diffuse atomic and/or diffuse molecular [C II]-emitting clouds that do not have 13CO counterparts are discussed by Langer et al. (2010) and Velusamy et al. (2010).
In the left panel of Fig. 2, we summarize the observed characteristics by plotting the [C II]/12CO and [C II]/13CO integrated intensity ratios for the identified components as a function of the [C II] integrated intensity. The ratios are calculated from integrated intensities in units of K km s-1. The mean value and standard deviation are 0.29 and 0.6 for the [C II]/12CO integrated intensity ratio and 1.75 and 2.54 for [C II]/13CO. The ratios vary over 2 orders of magnitude suggesting a wide range of physical conditions in our sample.
We use the [C II]/12CO and [C II]/13CO integrated intensity ratios to constrain the physical conditions of the line-emitting gas. The 12CO emission, which becomes optically thick quickly after a modest fraction of the gas-phase carbon is converted to CO, is not very sensitive to the FUV radiation field because the temperature at the C+/C0/CO transition layer is also insensitive to this quantity (Kaufman et al. 1999; Wolfire et al. 1989). Therefore, the [C II]/12CO ratio is determined by the column density of C+ and the temperature at the surface of the PDR, which are in turn dependent on the FUV radiation field and H2 density. The [C II]/13CO ratio is proportional to the ratio between the C+ and 13CO column densities. Provided that extra constraints on the total column of material are available and that there are no significant variations in the FUV field within the beam, it therefore gives a constraint on the location of the C+/C0/CO transition layer, which in turn depends on the strength of the FUV field and H2 density.
4 Comparison with PDR model calculations
We compared the observed [C II]/12CO and [C
II]/13CO integrated intensity ratios with the results of a PDR
model grid in order to constrain physical conditions of the [C
II]-emitting clouds. The model grid was calculated using the
PDR model (Störzer et al. 1996; Röllig et al. 2006) available
. The
model provides a self-consistent solution to the chemistry and
thermal balance of a spherical cloud, with a truncated density
profile, that is illuminated isotropically by an FUV radiation field.
The density distribution has the form
and a constant density of
n(r)=ns(0.2)-1.5 in the central region of the cloud (
). Here
is the cloud radius and ns the density at
the cloud surface. With a power-law index of 1.5, the average density
of the clump is about twice the density at the cloud surface. The line
intensities were calculated using a non-LTE radiative transfer code
by Gierens et al. (1992). Each model is characterized by the clump mass,
the density at the cloud surface, and strength of the FUV field. The
clump mass ranges from 10-2 to
the density at
the cloud surface from 103 to 106 cm-3, and the strength
of the FUV field from
to 106 (in units of the
Draine 1978 field
). We did not use
H I and C18O observations to constrain our solutions as
model grids involving their emission are not available.
By using a spherically symmetric model, we assumed that the cloud spatial structure can be described by an ensemble of clumps with sizes much smaller than the resolution of our observations. Additionally, we assume that each clump in this ensemble has the same mass and density, and that the [C II]/12CO and [C II]/13CO line ratios can be estimated using the line ratios of a single clump of that mass and density. Therefore, the comparison with the PDR model grid provides the typical incident FUV field, mass, and density of the regions that dominate the observed line ratios. An even more realistic model considers clumps following the distribution of masses and sizes observed in many molecular clouds (e.g. Zielinsky et al. 2000; Cubick et al. 2008).
The central and right panels in Fig. 2 show a
summary of the constrained H2 volume densities and FUV radiation
fields for our sample. We consider models with chi-squared ()
smaller than 1.1
We find two [C II]
components with high volume densities (>105 cm-3) and strong
FUV fields (between
). Both regions are
characterized by [C II]/CO integrated intensity ratios that are
greater than 1 (c.f. Orion has a [C II]/12CO ratio of
1.36; Crawford et al. 1985). We show an image and [C II]
spectrum of one such source in Fig. 3. The
remaining components have lower volume densities between
103.5-105.5 cm-3. Six of them could have a strength of
FUV field as high as 100, while the majority (51 components) have FUV
fields between 1 and 10. For all components, the comparison with the
PDR model grid suggests clump masses that are higher than
Due to the limited spatial coverage of the observations
presented here, the distribution of physical conditions is not smooth.
We will obtain a better sampling of the distribution of physical
conditions in velocity components distributed over the Galactic plane
with the completed GOT C+ survey.
The large number of components with low-FUV field is a result of the
low observed [C II]/12CO ratios of about 0.1. Such values
of the [C II]/12CO ratio are expected for
over a wide range of H2 volume densities (see
e.g. Fig. 9 in Kaufman et al. 1999). The [C II]/13CO
ratio provides an additional constraint on the FUV field. The
majority of the observed components have low ratios that suggest a
higher column density of 13CO relative to that of C+. This
result suggests that the C+/C0/CO transition occurs close to the
surface of the cloud, which is a result of either high densities or
weak FUV fields. However, using [C II] and 13CO to
constrain the location of the C+/C0/CO transition requires extra
constraints on the total column density of material throughout the
clump, which in turn depends on the assumed clump surface density and
mass. These two quantities are not well-constrained in the analysis
presented here. Additionally, it requires that there are no
significant variations in the FUV field within the beam, since
shielded clumps might contribute significantly to the 13CO
emission but little to that of [C II]. The H2 volume
density for individual velocity components can be determined better
from observations of the 609
m and 370
m transitions of
neutral carbon, which have been used to constrain the temperature and
density at the C+/C0/CO transition region in PDRs
(e.g. Stutzki et al. 1997). The [C II] to bolometric infrared
flux is also useful for constraining the FUV field
(Kaufman et al. 1999; Wolfire et al. 1989), but is only useful towards LOSs with a
single velocity component.
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Figure 3:
Example of [C II] emission associated with a massive star-forming region. The line-of-sight G345.65+0.0 passes near several bright H II regions as shown in the Spitzer 8 |
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5 Discussion
We found that most of the [C II] velocity components
considered here are associated with regions that are exposed to weak
FUV radiation field (
and are therefore away from OB
associations. PDRs exposed to weak FUV radiation fields have been
studied in a few sources using [C I] emission
(e.g. Maezawa et al. 1999; Pineda & Bensch 2007; Bensch 2006) but never observed with
velocity-resolved [C II] before Herschel/HIFI.
Cubick et al. (2008) suggest that most of the [C II] in our
Galaxy originates in a clumpy medium exposed to an FUV field of
which is larger than the upper limit determined for
the majority of the observed components. However, their model does not
consider emission arising from diffuse clouds. From our observed LOSs,
we find that about 56% of the total detected [C II] emission
arises from low-column density regions (without significant 13CO
emission; Langer et al. 2010; Velusamy et al. 2010), while 44% is emitted
from dense PDRs. Nevertheless, the moderate FUV field predicted by
Cubick et al. (2008) might suggest that the predominance of low-FUV
radiation field regions observed in our limited sample (covering less
than 2% of the entire GOT C+ survey) might hold for the entire
We found two regions where our analysis suggests high densities
(>105 cm-3) and strong FUV fields (between
and 106). These regions are likely associated with massive
star formation. This conclusion is a result of the elevated [C
II]/CO ratio observed towards these regions. This identification
suggests that the [C II]/CO ratio is a good tracer of the
location of massive star formation regions in the galaxy. The [C
II] observations will therefore provide an alternative method of
determining the distribution of massive star forming regions in the
galaxy (e.g. Bronfman et al. 2000). These velocity-resolved
observations are crucial for interpreting the [C II]/CO
ratio. In our observed LOSs, we found velocity components showing
[C II] emission but no CO, as well as components showing CO but
no [C II]. Velocity unresolved observations would have given a
distorted value to the [C II]/CO ratio, which would result in
an incorrect interpretation of the physical conditions of the
line-emitting gas.
6 Conclusions
We have presented velocity-resolved observations of [C II]
towards 16 LOSs located near l=340 and l=20
in the
Galactic plane using the HIFI instrument on-board the Herschel Space
Observatory. We identified a total of 146 different [C II]
velocity components. This letter analyzed a sample of 58 components
that are associated with high-column density molecular gas as traced
by 13CO emission. These components contribute 44% of the total
observed [C II] emission implying a significantly larger amount
of [C II] emission originating in the diffuse ISM than from
star-forming environments. We compared the [C II]/12CO
and [C II]/13CO integrated intensity ratios with a PDR
model grid to constrain the strength of the FUV field and the H2volume density in this sample. We find two clouds for which our
analysis suggests high densities (>105 cm-3) and strong FUV
fields (
), likely associated with
massive star formation. The majority of the observed components,
however, have modest densities (
103.5-105.5 cm-3) and
weaker FUV fields (
). Although the population of clouds
with these conditions is likely where most of the [C II]
emission originates in our Galaxy, their properties are largely
unexplored. The GOT C+ survey will provide a few thousand
clouds distributed in the Galactic plane, so we will be able to
characterize this population of intermediate clouds.
We would like to thank the referee David Hollenbach for his comments and suggestions that significantly improved this letter. This work was performed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. We thank the staffs of the ESA and NASA Herschel Science Centers for their help. The Mopra Telescope is managed by the Australia Telescope, which is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility by the CSIRO.
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- ...Herschel
- Herschel is an ESA space observatory with science instruments provided by European-led Principal Investigator consortia and with important participation from NASA.
- ... excitation
- Electrons
are possibly a significant collision partner of C+. However, the
critical electron density needed for these particles to produce
significant [C II] emission is 9.2 cm-3 at T=100 K.
The density in diffuse regions where the abundance relative to H is
is modest (
102 cm-3), while the ionization is significantly lower in the denser regions. In either case, the excitation by electrons is negligible.
- ...
- pdr/
- ... field
- The average FUV intensity of the
local ISM is
erg cm-2 s-1 sr-1(Draine 1978). The Draine field is isotropic (i.e. a given point is illuminated from 4
steradians), while the surface of the clouds considered here are only illuminated from 2
steradians, therefore the rate of photoreactions at the cloud surface are half of what they would be with the Draine field in free space.
All Figures
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Figure 1: [C II], 12CO,13CO, and C18O spectra towards the line-of-sight G337.826+0.0. The arrows indicate the [C II] components that have 13CO counterparts. |
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In the text |
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Figure 2: ( left panel) The observed [C II]/12CO and [C II]/13CO integrated intensity ratios for our sample of [C II] components associated with high-column density molecular clouds. The ratios are calculated from integrated intensities in units of K km s-1. The horizontal error bars are uncertainties in determining the [C II] integrated intensities. The vertical error bars are the uncertainties in the line ratios, which are derived from error propagation. ( central and right panels) Results of the comparison between [C II]/12CO and [C II]/13CO ratios for all identified [C II] components and the PDR model grid showing the constrained ranges in FUV radiation field ( central panel) and H2 volume density ( right panel). The arrows indicate lower limits to the H2 volume density. |
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In the text |
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Figure 3:
Example of [C II] emission associated with a massive star-forming region. The line-of-sight G345.65+0.0 passes near several bright H II regions as shown in the Spitzer 8 |
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In the text |
Copyright ESO 2010
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