Issue |
Volume 517, July 2010
Article Number | A67 | |
Number of page(s) | 22 | |
Section | Stellar structure and evolution | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 August 2010 |
New Herbig Ae/Be stars confirmed via
high-resolution optical spectroscopy
A. Carmona1, - M. E. van den Ancker2
- M. Audard1 - Th. Henning3
- J. Setiawan3 - J. Rodmann4
1 - ISDC Data Centre for Astrophysics & Geneva Observatory,
University of Geneva, chemin d'Ecogia 16, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland
2 - European Southern Observatory, Karl Schwarzschild Str 2, 85748
Garching bei München, Germany
3 - Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy, Königstuhl 17, 69117
Heidelberg, Germany
4 - ESA/ESTEC, Space Environments & Effects (TEC-EES), 2200 AG
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Received 3 December 2009 / Accepted 20 March 2010
We present FEROS high-resolution (R
45 000) optical spectroscopy of
34 Herbig Ae/Be star candidates with previously
unknown or poorly constrained spectral types. Within the sample,
16 sources are positionally coincident with nearby (d < 250 pc)
star-forming regions (SFRs). All the candidates have reported infrared
excess. We determine the spectral type and luminosity class of the
sources, derive their radial and projected rotational velocities,
and constrain their distances employing spectroscopic parallaxes and
photometry from the literature. We confirm 13 sources as
Herbig Ae/Be stars and find one classical T Tauri
star. Three sources are emission line early-type giants (B, A,
and F stars with luminosity class III) and may be
Herbig Ae/Be stars. One source is a main-sequence A-type star.
Fourteen sources are post-main-sequence giant and supergiant stars
(7 with H
and 7 without). Two sources are extreme emission-line stars
and no accurate spectral classification was possible because of strong
veiling. Most of the sources appear to be background stars at distances
over 700 pc. We show that high-resolution optical spectroscopy
is a crucial tool for distinguishing young stars
(in particular Herbig Be stars) from post-main
sequence stars in samples taken from emission-line star catalogs based
on low-resolution spectroscopy. Within the sample, three young stars
(CD-38 4380, Hen 3-1145, and HD 145718) and one
early-type luminosity class III giant with emission lines
(Hen 3-416) are at distances closer than 300 pc and
are positionally coincident with a nearby SFR.
These 4 sources are likely to be nearby young stars and are
interesting for follow-up observations at high-angular resolution.
Furthermore, seven confirmed Herbig Ae/Be stars at d>700 pc
(Hen 2-80, Hen 3-1121 N&S,
HD 313571, MWC 953, WRAY 15-1435, and
Th 17-35) are inside or close (<5') to regions with
extended 8
continuum emission and in their 20' vicinity have astronomical
sources characteristic of SFRs (e.g., HII regions,
molecular clouds, dark nebulae, masers, young stellar-objects). These
7 sources are likely to be members of SFRs.
Key words: stars: pre-main sequence - stars: emission-line, Be - stars: fundamental parameters
1 Introduction
Herbig Ae/Be stars are intermediate-mass (2-8

From the observational point of view, bright nearby (d < 250 pc) Herbig Ae/Be stars (and CTTS) are particularly relevant, because they permit detailed studies of the structure of their disks. Disks are interesting because they play a key role in early stellar evolution and are the sites of planet formation. In nearby sources, the disk can be spatially resolved with 8-10 m class telescopes and infrared and mm interferometers. In bright sources, high-resolution spectroscopy in the near and mid-IR can be obtained to study the gas in the disk (see reviews by Najita et al. 2007; and Carmona 2010). Since the amount of identified nearby PMS with spatially resolved disks is still relatively small, the identification of bright nearby Herbig Ae/Be stars is an important step for future observational studies of protoplanetary disks.
Table 1: Positions and extent in galactic coordinates of the star forming regions (SFR) employed.
Table 2: Studied stars, SFRs positionally coincident and summary of the observations.
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Figure 1:
Optical (R band) and near-IR (K band)
images of the 0.5' |
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Herbig Ae/Be stars were initially identified based on the presence of
emission lines (i.e. H)
in their optical spectra and their physical association with a dark
cloud or nebulosity (e.g., Herbig 1960).
Herbig (1960)
used the last condition to exclude the post-main sequence
B[e] stars (i.e. giant or supergiant B-type stars
with emission lines). Thanks to the advent of IR space
observatories such as IRAS, ISO, and Spitzer this last criterion has
been relaxed and replaced by the presence of near- or far-IR excess,
in addition to the emission lines, as membership
criteria to the Herbig Ae/Be stellar group (e.g., Finkenzeller
& Mundt 1984;
Thé et al. 1994;
Vieira et al. 2003).
However, published samples of Herbig Ae/Be stars may well be contaminated with other classes of objects. One should bear in mind three aspects of the identification: (i) in general, Herbig Ae/Be star candidates have been identified in surveys for emission-line stars based on low-resolution data, in particular slit-less spectra (this makes no difference on the detection of the emission lines, but it matters for the determination of the luminosity class, see below); (ii) post-main sequence B[e] supergiants can also have IR excess (e.g., Miroshnichenko et al. 2005, and references therein); and (iii) as beam sizes for infrared observations employed in previous studies have typically been large (e.g., 30'' in the case of IRAS), confusion with other infrared sources may have occurred.
Since hydrogen lines are observed in emission in Herbig Ae/Be stars, the hydrogen lines width, the usual means for determining the luminosity class, cannot be used. Thus the observation of gravity sensitive lines (e.g., N II at 3995 Å, Si II at 4128 and 4131 Å, C II at 4267 Å, Si III at 4553 and 4561 Å, and O II lines at 4070 and 4976 Å) is required. However, these lines are relatively weak and are barely visible in low-resolution spectra. Therefore, low spectral resolution studies that have identified Herbig Ae/Be candidates have the important limitation that background B[e] supergiants can be mistakenly classified as Herbig Ae/Be stars. Consequently, to confirm that a Herbig Ae/Be candidate is indeed a young star - and not a post-main sequence object - observations at high spectral resolution are necessary.
In this paper, we present the results of a high-resolution
optical spectroscopy campaign aimed at identifying and characterizing
new nearby Herbig Ae/Be stars. We obtained FEROS
high-resolution (R 45 000) optical spectra of
34 candidates to Herbig Ae/Be stars. We studied
sources positionally coincident with nearby (d < 250 pc)
star-forming regions (SFRs) and ``isolated'' sources. Our goal was to
determine whether the candidates belong to the Herbig Ae/Be
stellar group by searching emission lines in their spectra and by
determining their spectral type and luminosity class. We then
constrained their distances employing spectroscopic parallaxes and
derived their radial and projected rotational velocities. In the case
of sources positionally coincident with SFRs, we used the estimated
distance to determine whether the sources are members of nearby SFRs.
Finally, for the confirmed Herbig Ae/Be stars that are not
members of nearby SFRs, we searched the Spitzer archive for 8
m imaging
and the SIMBAD database to find evidence for extended near-infrared
emission and astronomical objects characteristic of SFRs
(e.g., HII regions, molecular clouds, dark nebulae,
masers, young stellar-objects). Our aim was to find evidence of whether
these distant Herbig Ae/Be stars might be members of
distant SFRs.
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Figure 2:
Optical (R band) and near-IR (K band)
images of the 0.5' |
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2 Observations
2.1 Target selection
We selected the sources from the catalog of Thé et al. (1994). This catalog is divided in six tables: Table 1 presents the Herbig Ae/Be members and candidate members. Table 2, F-type stars potential candidates. Table 3, extreme emission line objects. Table 4a/b, other early type emission line stars with IR excess from Allen & Swings (1976) and Dong & Hu (1991) respectively. Table 5, non-emission line early type shell stars and young stellar candidates. Table 6, emission line stars rejected as Herbig Ae/Be candidates. We concentrated only on sources from Tables 1-4a/b that are observable from the Southern Hemisphere. First, we selected the sources of unknown or poorly constrained spectral types that are positionally coincident with nearby (d < 250 pc) SFRs. Second, we selected isolated Herbig Ae/Be stars candidates of unknown or poorly constrained spectral type that exhibited V band magnitudes brighter than 14 (i.e. to obtain a good quality spectrum in a reasonable amount of exposure time). To establish the association of a Herbig Ae/Be star candidate to a nearby SFR, we assumed a projected rectangular geometry in the sky for the SFR. We associated the candidate Herbig Ae/Be star to a SFR if it is positionally within the sky region covered by the SFR. We employed the SFRs from the ``Study of Reflection Nebulae'' by van den Bergh (1966), the ``Hipparcos census of nearby OB associations'' by de Zeeuw et al. (1999), and the distance measurements of Lynds galactic dark nebulae by Hilton & Lahulla (1995). In Table 1, we show the positions and extent of the SFRs employed.
The sample was complemented with two new Herbig Ae/Be star
candidates (CD-38 4380 and HD 145718) from Vieira
et al. (2003)
associated with a SFR at d < 250 pc.
In Table 2,
we present a summary of the studied stars, their coordinates and the
positionally coincident SFR. The coordinates used for the
Herbig Ae/Be star candidates are the coordinates of the
brightest K band 2MASS object in the
30'' vicinity of the coordinates given by the Thé
et al. catalog. In Figs. 2 and 1, we present optical R band
(ESO-MAMA) and K band (2MASS) images of
the 0.5'
1' field centered on the target position
2.2 Observations and data reduction
High-resolution optical spectra of the sources were obtained
in April-July 2004, July-August 2007, and
May 2008, using the Fiber-fed Extended Range Optical
Spectrograph (FEROS; Kaufer et al. 1999) at the ESO/MPG
2.2 m telescope in la Silla Observatory. FEROS covers the complete
optical spectral region (3500-9200 Å) in one exposure with a
resolution of R
45 000. One of the two fibers
was positioned at the location of the target star, the second
fiber was positioned at the sky. Calibration flat fields, darks frames
and Th-Ar lamp calibration spectra were observed at the
beginning of the night for each set of observations. The data were
reduced using the FEROS-DRS pipeline provided by ESO.
The typical achieved signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)
is over 30. In some cases the S/N
achieved is of the order of 60 or larger, only in a few cases
was the S/N under 30
(see Table 2).
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Figure 3:
Optical spectra of our sources centered on the H |
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Figure 4: Example of FEROS spectra of the Herbig Be star WRAY 15-1435 (spectral type B1Ve), together with rotationally broadened TLUSTY models (in red). The spectra are shown at the rest velocity of the star. See text for a description. |
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Figure 5: Similar to Fig. 4 for the supergiant star Hen 3-1428 (spectral type B1Iae). The He I line at 4471 Å displays a P-Cygni profile. |
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3 Analysis
3.1 Spectral classification
The spectral type and the luminosity class have been determined by
careful comparison with the high-resolution (R 80 000)
spectra from the UVES Paranal Observatory Project spectral library
(Bagnulo et al. 2003), the ELODIE (R
42 000)
spectral library
(Soubiran et al. 1998),
high-resolution (R
500 000)
synthetic spectral library (Bertone et al. 2008), and in the
particular case of early B-type stars
300 000) models of B-type
stars (Lanz & Hubeny 2007).
A dedicated interactive IDL-based software was developed to visualize the
normalized target spectrum simultaneously (i.e. over-plotted)
with a normalized template spectrum at a user selected spectral
feature. Target and template spectra were normalized either by the
median or by a polynomial fit of order 2 to the flux in the
20-100 Å windows used for the spectral comparison. Template
spectra were degraded down to the FEROS resolution prior to the
analysis. The comparison software allows the target or template
spectrum to be shifted in wavelength such that target and template
spectra had the absorption features at the same wavelength
(i.e. to correct for the radial velocity difference of the
star and the template). It displays the residuals in real time
between the target and template spectrum (square root of the summed
square of the difference between the normalized template and target
spectrum), it permits calculation of equivalent widths, and it
performs Gaussian fits to spectral lines. In addition,
the tool allows the effect of stellar rotation onto a spectral
template to be visualized. This refinement was necessary to deduce the
spectral type and v sin(i)
of fast rotating candidates. For this we convolved the
spectral template with the 1-d normalized kernel of a rotationally
broadened line.
We compared our FEROS spectra with the spectral templates, spectral feature by spectral feature by employing a window of width 20-100 Å around the central wavelength of each feature. The selected comparison spectral features were extracted primarily from the ``Atlas of stellar spectra'' by Ginestet et al. (1992) and the recommended features by Morgan et al. (1943) from ``An atlas of stellar spectra with an outline of spectral classification''. Essentially, the procedure consisted of employing the Ginestet et al.; and Morgan et al. works to guide us in which spectral diagnostics to analyze or look at and using the UVES, ELODIE, BLUERED, or TLUSTY spectral library templates to compare the presence or absence, and the strength and shape of absorption lines to our spectra.
First, the presence or absence of certain photospheric features allowed us to constrain, in a relatively straightforward way, the spectral type up to two or three spectral subclasses. The absence of a feature sets a lower or upper limit to the spectral range, and the presence of other spectral feature(s) sets the complementary lower or upper limit to narrow the possible spectral range. Afterwards, ratios between lines (e.g., He I at 4471 Å and Mg II at 4481 Å) provide an additional constraint to the spectral type range. The key to the method is to use the absence of spectral lines as an additional spectral classification criterium to the strength of the observed absorption lines. Finally, a closer comparison with the spectral library templates allowed us to narrow the classification to one spectral sub-type. Several spectral lines were used to classify each source. In Appendix 1, we describe the diagnostics that we employed for each star.
Once the spectral type was found, we determined the luminosity class. For this, we mainly relied on the diagnostics described in Ginestet et al. (1992), specifically those shown in the plates describing the effect of the luminosity for each subspectral type. In the case of M-type stars, we based the luminosity classification on the diagnostics proposed by Montes et al. (1999). In general, surface gravity diagnostics are additional spectral features to the ones used for the spectral classification. In cases where a few spectral types matched the spectra under study (e.g., in objects with large v sin(i)), the template spectrum that exhibited the smallest residuals was adopted as the best match for the spectrum of the target. In Appendix 1, we describe in detail the spectral and luminosity class classification for each star individually. In Col. 2 of Table 3, we summarize the results of the spectral classification of our sample.
In Figs. 4
and 5,
we present two examples of the spectral classification results. We show
the spectra of the Herbig Be star WRAY 14-1435 and
the B-type supergiant star Hen 3-418, together with
rotationally-broadened TLUSTY models. Each panel presents the FEROS
spectrum of the star with three TLUSTY models. In the two panels at the
top, we keep the surface gravity constant (i.e. luminosity class) and
we vary
The theoretical spectrum in the middle corresponds to a TLUSTY model
of the spectral type and luminosity class found (see Table 3). The upper and
lower theoretical spectra display templates that are one spectral
subclass distant in effective temperature. These panels cover
wavelengths including the He I line
at 4471 Å, the Mg II line
at 4481 Å, the He II line
at 4686 Å, and the He I line
at 4388 Å, all important diagnostics for determining the
spectral type of B-type stars. In the two panels at the bottom, we keep
constant at a value
corresponding to the spectral type found and vary the luminosity class
of the theoretical spectrum from a dwarf (class V), to a giant
(class III), and to a supergiant (class I). These
panels cover wavelengths including the N II line
at 4630 Å, the O II lines
at 4638 and 4641 Å, and the C III -
O II lines at 4650 Å,
important diagnostics for establishing the luminosity class
(i.e. log(g)). The typical uncertainty in
the spectral classification is one spectral subclass and 0.5
in log(g) depending on the spectral-type
and v sin(i).
Table 3:
Established spectral type, literature photometry, estimated distance,
radial and projected rotational velocity, observed H
and forbidden line emission.
Table 4:
Equivalent widths of H,
He I, Ca II,
and forbidden emission lines observed in the spectra.
3.2 Distance determination
We estimated the distance of the sources based on
spectroscopic parallaxes. We used the classical expression
where: V is the observed V magnitude,
MV is the
intrinsic absolute magnitude corresponding to the spectral type and
luminosity class found and AV
is the extinction. AV
was calculated assuming the standard interstellar medium extinction law
(Schultz & Wiemer 1975)
AV=3.14 E (B-V).
For the stars with B and V magnitude
measurements from different catalogs (i.e. different epochs)
but with R band measurements from the same
catalog, we employed
(B-V)= E (V-R)/0.78
(Schultz & Wiemer 1975).
We employed the intrinsic colors and absolute magnitudes (corresponding
to each spectral type and luminosity class) of Schmidt-Kaler (1982)
and photometry from the literature (most notably the
NOMAD catalog). The error on MV
and (B-V)0
was set by the uncertainty of one spectral subclass in the spectral
Some stars exhibited negative E (B-V).
This is most likely due to photometry measurements taken at different
epochs. Herbig Ae/Be stars and post-main sequence supergiants
show large variations in the optical, hence the need to take
(quasi-)simultaneous photometry. For these sources no
correction for reddening was performed. The resulting distances are
given in Col. 8 of Table 3.
Given that the absolute magnitude for the luminosity
class IV is not provided by the Schmidt-Kaler (1982) tables,
in the case of Hen 3-1145 (spectral
type M1IVe), we calculated the absolute magnitude (MV =
7.9 0.6)
from its
(3720 K) and log(g)
(4.0 g/cm2)
(see Appendix 1). We used the classical expressions
We assumed a mass of 0.46
for Hen 3-1145 (i.e. mass of a M1V star) and
a bolometric correction (BC) of -1.53 (i.e. median
between the BC of the class V and class III for the
M1 spectral type). The uncertainty in MV
being largely dominated by uncertainty on the value of log(g).
With an uncertainty in log(g)
of 0.25 translating into an uncertainty of 0.6 mag
in MV.
3.3 Rotational velocity
Employing our target - template interactive spectral
comparison software, in a similar way as done with the
spectral classification, we compared the continuum normalized FEROS
spectrum with continuum normalized rotationally broadened theoretical
spectra using
and log(g)
corresponding to the spectral
type found for each of our stars. The template spectrum was shifted
wavelength in order to account for the radial velocity of the target
(see next section). We used the theoretical spectral library
BLUERED and in the case of early B-type stars the non-LTE B-star models
TLUSTY. We employed the
log(g) calibration tables of Lang
et al. (1991). The rotational broadening was calculated with
the IDL routines kindly provided by Bertone et al. in the
BLUERED spectral library web-site. For the analysis, once the BLUERED
or TLUSTY theoretical spectra were rotationally broadened, they were
degraded to the FEROS resolution. For this, we used as well
the Bertone et al. BLUERED IDL tools.
The projected rotational velocity uncertainty is the interval
of values that
exhibited the smallest residuals and that best fitted the width and
shape of the absorption lines of the FEROS spectrum. The uncertainty of
typically 10%, the principal source of uncertainty
being the value of
This being due to the fact that for a particular spectral type a range
exist that are consistent
with it, and for each
there is a range of
that fit the spectra. We present our results in Col. 9
of Table 3.
3.4 Radial velocity
The FEROS pipeline effectuates the barycentric correction to the
spectra (i.e. correction for the orbital motion of the Earth
relative to the solar system barycenter). We derived the radial
velocity of our targets with our interactive tool by determining the
velocity shift of our FEROS spectrum with respect to a rotationally
broadened BLUERED or TLUSTY synthetic spectrum using the
and log(g)
of the spectral type and
luminosity class found. We proceeded by first continuum-normalizing our
FEROS spectrum and the synthetic spectrum, then interactively shifting
the velocity of the FEROS spectrum until the center of the absorption
lines of target were at the same wavelength as the absorption lines of
the synthetic spectrum and the residuals between target and the
synthetic spectrum were minimized. We used several regions in the
spectra with strong absorption lines according to spectral type to
obtain several estimations of the velocity shift. The adopted velocity
shift is the average of the velocity shifts found. In the
cases where the absorption lines are very weak, we employed Gaussian
fits to the hydrogen or He I emission
lines to constrain the radial velocity. We used the Atomic Line List
v2.4 website for the wavelength calibration
The typical error of the radial velocity is of a few
km s-1 but can be as large as
10-20 km s-1, depending on the
spectral type and projected rotational velocity. This is particularly
relevant for B stars for which the velocity shift is mostly
based on the He I lines. Our
results are summarized in Col. 10 of Table 3.
3.5 Equivalent widths of selected emission lines
Employing our spectral-comparison software, we measured the equivalent
widths of selected emission lines observed in the spectra: H,
Paschen (17), He I at
6548 Å, Ca II at 8498 Å
and 8662 Å, [O I]
at 6301, 6365 and 8446 Å, [S II]
at 6716 and 6731 Å, and [N II]
at 6549 and 6585 Å. We present the result of our EW
measurements in Table 4.
In the cases where emission lines are observed inside a broad absorption line or the lines display P Cygni or inverse P Cygni profiles, we calculated individually the EW of the absorption and emission component. To calculate the EW of P Cygni profiles, we first determined the continuum using a linear interpolation of the continuum from nearby regions (right and left) outside the line. Then employing the standard EW formula we calculated the EW. For the blueshifted absorption part, we integrated from the wavelength where the continuum and left wing of the absorption line are similar (beginning of the absorption line), up to the wavelength where the right absorption wing crosses the continuum (end of the absorption line). For the redshifted emission part, we integrated from the wavelength where the emission left wing crosses the continuum (beginning of the emission line) up to the wavelength where the continuum and right wing of the emission line are similar (end of the emission line).
For the stars where Paschen (16) and Paschen (13) emission lines are blended with Ca II emission at 8498 and 8662 Å, we calculated the EW of Ca II lines by subtracting to the EW measured at the position of the Ca II line the EW of the Paschen (17) and Paschen (14) lines respectively.
4 Results and discussion
The results of our FEROS spectroscopy campaign are summarized in
Tables 3
and 4.
Table 3
describes the established spectral types, the estimated
distance, the measured radial and projected rotational
velocity, the type of the H profile observed
according to the classification of Reipurth et al. (1996) and a summary
of important forbidden emission lines observed. Table 4 displays the EW
measurements of selected emission lines in the spectrum.
From our total sample of 34 candidates, 13 sources are
confirmed as Herbig Ae/Be stars (40%).
These objects display H
in emission and have spectral types with luminosity class V.
They are mostly Herbig Be stars. A large fraction of
them (10 objects,
display forbidden line emission, in particular [O I] lines
(see Table 4).
Ca II emission lines at
8500 Å are observed in
50% of them (6 sources).
CD-38 4380 and HD 145718, the two new
Herbig Ae/Be candidates from Vieira et al. (2003), are confirmed
as Herbig Ae/Be stars. We observe (see Fig. 3) that,
in general, for Herbig Ae/Be stars the H
is centered close to the velocity of the star and that its width is
broader than the H
observed in the supergiant stars of our sample. Most notable exceptions
are WRAY 15-1435 and HD 145718 where H
is observed shifted with respect to the star's velocity and
Hen 3-1121 S&N in which H
is narrow.
From the subsample of 16 candidates positionally coincident with nearby SFRs, 6 sources are confirmed as Herbig Ae/Be stars. From these, two sources, CD-38 4380 and HD 145718, are at distances closer than 250 pc. This provides further evidence for the association of CD-38 4380 with the Gum Nebula and of HD 145718 with Sco OB2. The remaining 4 sources, Hen 2-80, Hen 3-823, Th 17-35, and WRAY 15-1372, are at distances greater than 700 pc. They are not members of nearby SFRs.
From the subsample of 18 ``isolated'' candidates (i.e. candidates not known to be associated to a nearby SFRs), we confirm 7 as Herbig Ae/Be stars: Hen 3-1121 N, Hen 3-1121 S, WRAY 15-1435, MWC 878, MWC 593, HD 313571, and MWC 953. All of them have distances greater than 700 pc.
For the 11 confirmed Herbig Ae/Be stars with distances greater
than 700 pc, we searched for Spitzer 8 m images
and, using the SIMBAD database, for objects characteristic of SFRs
in their 20' vicinity (e.g., HII regions,
molecular clouds, dark nebulae, maser emission, etc.).
We wanted to check whether our distant Herbig Ae/Be stars are
truly ``isolated'' sources located in empty regions, or whether they
may be associated with distant SFRs. We found that seven sources
(Hen 2-80, Hen 3-1121 N&S,
HD 313571, MWC 953, WRAY 15-1435, and
Th 17-35) are inside or close (<5') to regions with
extended IR emission (see Fig. 6) and that in their
20' vicinity there are objects characteristic of SFRs.
As we do not have constrains on the distance of the extended
IR emission, it is difficult to establish whether our
sources are inside the emission region or if they are background or
foreground sources. However, as our stars are young, we find
it is likely that they are inside these IR emission regions
and speculate that these regions may be distant SFRs. These regions are
interesting for follow-up studies of their stellar content. We remark
that in the Spitzer images, three sources (WRAY 15-1435,
HD 313571, Hen 2-80) are inside or have a nearby
bright IR nebulosity. This further confirms their young
nature. Two sources MWC 878 and WRAY 15-1372 do not
have nearby extended IR-emission nor nearby astronomical sources
characteristic of SFRs. They may be a case of ``isolated''
Herbig Ae/Be stars. We note that Spitzer data were not
available for MWC 593 and Hen 3-823. In
Appendix 2, we present the Spitzer 8
m images and
discuss each source individually.
Now, let us return to the discussion of the results of the
complete sample. One candidate, Hen 3-1145, is found
to be an early M-type emission-line PMS star. Li in
absorption is observed towards this object confirming that it is a
young classical T Tauri star. The spectroscopic parallax
distance of 160
pc strongly suggest
its association to the Upper Centaurus Lupus SFR. Merín et al.
(2008) observed
this object with Spitzer and associated the source with the
Lupus III dark cloud
Three sources, HD 152291, Hen 3-416, and WRAY 15-488 have
spectral types B, A, and F respectively,
luminosity class III and display H
and forbidden line emission (see Tables 3 and 4). In these
objects it is not entirely clear whether they are in the pre- or
post-main sequence evolutionary phase. Given that young early type
stars are bright, they are able to dissipate their environment
relatively early. It could be that HD 152291,
Hen 3-416, and WRAY 15-488 are young stars still
under contraction that have become optically visible. For that
reason they display the signatures of low gravity, thus a luminosity
class III. However, given that they could be
post-main-sequence stars as well, we classified them in the separate
category ``Giant stars that may be Herbig Ae/Be stars''. The
estimated distance can perhaps give some hints about the evolutionary
stage of these sources. In the case of HD 152291 the
estimated distance of 3 kpc is not
consistent with the association with the SFR Upper Centaurus Crux (d
140 pc).
Therefore, HD 152291 may be a background giant star.
Furthermore, the high value of
20 km s-1)
measured in HD 152291 makes it plausible that
HD 152291 is a classical Be star, i.e. an
evolved object spinning near its break-up velocity, surrounded by a
gaseous disk consisting of matter lost by the central star.
In the case of Hen 3-416, the estimated
distance of 290
pc does not provide
strong evidence of the association to the SFR
Scorpius OB 2-5 (d
20-30 pc,
Preibisch & Mamajek 2008).
But it might be that Hen 3-416 is a young star located at the
very extreme end of the Scorpius SFR; in this case Hen 3-416
is likely to be a Herbig Ae/Be star. In the case of
WRAY 15-488, the estimated distance of 360
pc is more than
200 pc away than the SFR Scorpius OB 2-5.
It is likely that the source is not associated to this SFR.
Present data do not permit us to conclude convincingly that
WRAY 15-488 is a young star.
Seven of our 34 sources (20%) are post- main sequence
supergiant stars with H
in emission. These seven objects are not members of the
Herbig Ae/Be stellar group. High-resolution spectra were able
to reveal the spectral diagnostics needed to establish their evolved
state. All of them display H
in emission, and forbidden line emission was observed in five cases
(WRAY 15-1104, Hen 3-1428, MWC 314,
HD 320156, and Hen 3-1347). These objects are
examples of post-main sequence B[e] stars. Almost all of them
display P-Cygni Balmer emission line profiles or blueshifted
(50-150 km s-1) H
This suggests the presence of strong winds.
We observe (see Fig. 3)
that, in general, the width of their H
line is narrower
than the H
line observed in the Herbig Ae/Be stars of our sample.
Although not in the direction of our goal of finding young stars, these
objects are very interesting because they are examples of
B[e] supergiants with IR excess.
Two sources (WRAY 15-1651, MWC 930) display rich emission line spectra. Their spectra exhibit strong veiling, likely due to accretion. For these sources we were unable to derive their luminosity class because of the nearly complete absence of photospheric absorption lines in their optical spectra. We assume they are bona-fide young stars, but we were not able to constrain their distances.
One source (AS 321) is an A-type main sequence star without
emission lines. This object is located at a distance 300 pc
and it is not associated with a known nearby SFR. It might be
a field A star. The lack of emission can be understood trough
two scenarios. In the first scenario the star is a
main-sequence star, and the measured IRAS excess is due to a debris
disk surrounding the
star (i.e. a Vega-like star). In another
scenario, AS 321 is a young Herbig Ae star, but due
to the intrinsic variability of accretion, the H
is absent because we observed AS 321 during a period of low
accretion activity. We should note that AS 321 does exhibit [O
I] forbidden line emission at
6300 Å and this could be due to the presence of either a disk
or an outflow
Finally, seven of our 34 sources (20%) are giant (6) and
supergiant (1) stars without H
in emission (WRAY 15-522, Th 35-41,
WRAY 15-566, WRAY 15-1650, WRAY 15-1702,
WRAY 15-770, HD 305773). They are rejected as
Herbig Ae/Be stars because they are evolved objects. Most of
them have a late spectral type (i.e. M). Their distances
indicate that they are field-background stars.
Since most of these stars originate from surveys of emission-line
stars, the lack of H
in emission was not expected. As in the case of
AS 321, there is always the possibility of spectral
variability of the H
However, in some of these cases, the target may also simply
have been misidentified, as the accuracy of coordinates in the
catalogs from which these targets were selected is low. We
selected the brightest K-band source in the
vicinity of the coordinates given in the Thé et al. (1994) catalog, but it
may be that the emission line-star is a fainter IR source in
the field.
5 Summary and conclusions
We obtained high-resolution optical spectroscopy of 34 candidates to Herbig Ae/Be stars with unknown or poorly constrained spectral types from the Thé et al. (1994) catalog and two candidates from Vieira et al. (2003). We observed 16 candidates positionally coincident with nearby (d < 250 pc) SFRs and 18 relatively bright (V < 14) ``isolated'' candidates. All our candidates have reported IR-excess from IRAS. Our aim was to determine whether the candidates are Herbig Ae/Be stars or background giants, and in the specific case of the candidates positionally coincident with SFRs, we wanted to further find out whether they are members of the SFR. We determined the spectral types of the sources by careful comparison with spectral templates, we measured their radial and projected rotational velocities, finally, we constrained their distances employing spectroscopic parallaxes based on the intrinsic colors of the established spectral type and luminosity class, and photometry from the literature.
From the 34 Herbig Ae/Be candidates studied,
26 objects exhibit H
in emission (
see Fig. 3
and Table 3).
From these 26 objects, 14 are dwarfs and subgiants
(luminosity classes V and IV), 10 are giants
and super giants (luminosity classes III, II, and I),
and 2 are unclassified extreme emission line objects.
From the 8 objects without H
7 are giants and one (AS 321) is a main-sequence
A-type star.
Among the 14 emission line dwarfs and subgiants, 13 objects are confirmed Herbig Ae/Be stars and one is a CTTS. In addition to these 13 confirmed Herbig Ae/Be stars, 5 additional sources might be Herbig Ae/Be stars: 3 emission-line early type luminosity class III giants, and 2 extreme emission line objects. However, our data have not allowed us to firmly establish whether these 5 sources are truly Herbig Ae/Be stars.
Two confirmed Herbig Ae/Be stars (CD-38 4380,
HD 145718) and the CTTS (Hen 3-1145) are at distances
closer than 250 pc. These sources are likely members of nearby
SFRs. One emission line giant star (Hen 3-416) is closer than
300 pc. If this source is a young star,
it may be associated with Sco OB 2-5. These
4 sources are likely to be nearby young stars and are
interesting for follow-up observations at high-angular resolution. The
rest of our confirmed Herbig Ae/Be stars (11 sources)
are at distances greater than 700 pc. From this subsample,
7 stars (Hen 2-80,
Hen 3-1121 N&S, HD 313571,
MWC 953, WRAY 15-1435, and Th 17-35) are
inside or close (separation <5') to regions with
extended infrared (IR) continuum emission at 8 m and have
astronomical sources characteristic of SFRs in their
20' vicinity. These 7 sources are likely to be
members of distant SFRs. Such regions are attractive for future studies
of their stellar content. Two confirmed Herbig Ae/Be stars at d>700 pc,
MWC 878 and WRAY 15-1372, may be truly ``isolated''
From our 34 Herbig Ae/Be candidates we found that 50%
(15 of 34) turned out to be background giant stars
and not young stars. They show us that high-resolution optical
spectroscopy is an important tool for distinguishing young stars
(in particular Herbig Be stars) from post-main
sequence stars in samples taken from catalogs based on low-resolution
spectroscopy. A systematic study of large samples of
candidates to Herbig Ae/Be stars employing high-spectral
resolution spectroscopy is fundamental for firmly establishing their
genuine young nature.
M.A. and A.C. acknowledge support from a Swiss National Science Foundation grant (PP002-110504). A.C. would like to thank C. Baldovin-Saavedra, F. Fontani, and A. Taylor for comments to the manuscript, J. Hernandez for discussions about the spectral classification of Herbig Ae/Be stars, M. Chavez for providing a DVD with the UVBLUE/BLUERED spectral library, and A. Mueller for kindly making a set of high-resolution Kurucz synthetic spectra of low-mass stars available. We acknowledge the ESO and MPIA staff for carrying out the observations. This research made use of Aladin, the SIMBAD database and the VizieR service operated at the CDS, Strasbourg, France. This work is based in part on observations made with the Spitzer Space Telescope, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology under a contract with NASA.
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Online Material
Appendix 1. Comments on the spectral classification of individual sources
AS 231
In AS 231 we observe H,
He I, Ca I
(3933 Å), Fe II (4233,
4352 Å), and Ti I (4550,
4583 Å) P-Cygni profiles. Given that He II absorption
lines are absent in the spectrum, the presence of a few He I lines
in absorption indicates that AS 231 is
a B star. As the Mg II line
at 4481 Å is much stronger than the He I line
at 4471 Å and the He I line
at 4009 Å is absent from the spectrum, AS 231 should
have a spectral type later than B8. Since Si II lines
are observed at 3854, 3856, 3863, 4128, and 4131 Å,
AS 231 has luminosity class I. The absence of the He I line
at 4144 Å, the lack of strong C II line
at 4267 Å and the presence of Fe II
in absorption at 4173, 4179, and 4417 Å, rule out the
spectral type B8, and indicate that AS 231 should
have a spectral type B9. The presence of a relatively strong
Fe II lines at 4179,
4233, and 4352 Å further indicates that the luminosity class
is Ia.
We conclude that AS 231 has a B9Iae spectral type.
AS 321
AS 321 does not show hydrogen emission lines in our spectrum. Hydrogen is observed in absorption and the profiles are broad. A strong and broad Ca II K line in absorption is present. These characteristics indicate that AS 321 is an A-type star. The width and the strength of the Ca II K line and the hydrogen lines indicate that AS 321 is a mid-A star. The width of the hydrogen lines, the width and shape of the Fe absorption lines, the broad Ca I line at 4227 Å and the absence of lines such as the Ti II lines at 3901 and 3913 Å, rule out the luminosity classes I and II. The profile's shape of the Fe lines can be reasonably matched with the spectrum of A7III and A8III stars once rotational broadening is taken into account. However, since the hydrogen lines profiles obtained are narrower than those of our FEROS spectrum, we deduce that AS 321 should be of luminosity class V. The spectral template that best fits the observations of AS 321 is the one of an A5V star. Therefore, we conclude that the spectral type of AS 321 is A5V.
CD-38 4380
CD-38 4380 exhibits H
in emission. Its spectrum does not exhibit He I
or He II absorption lines. Several
weak absorption lines are observed in between the Balmer lines. This
combined with the strength of the Ca II K line
at 3933 Å indicates that CD-38 4380 must be later
than A9. The lack of a strong G-band feature at
4300 Å shows that CD-38 4380 is earlier than G-type.
Therefore, CD-38 4380 is most likely a F-type star. The width
of the Balmer lines at 3889 and 3970 Å further
indicates that CD-38 4380 should have a spectral type later
than F3. The strength of the Ca I line
at 4227 Å, the Fe I lines
at 4005 and 4144 Å, and the Sr II line
at 4078 Å line indicates that CD-38 4380 should be of
spectral type earlier than F6. To determine the
luminosity class we analyzed the region around the Ca I line
at 4227 Å. The strengths the Sr II line
at 4216 Å, the Ca I line
at 4227 Å, the Fe II line
at 4247 Å, and other absorption lines observed in the region
are too weak to be compatible with the luminosity classes I
and II. Templates of F2 to F4
class III giants are compatible with the general shape of the
observed spectrum. However, the best match is provided by a
rotationally broadened (v sin(i) 45 km s-1)
F4V template. Thus, we conclude that CD-38 4380 has
a F4Ve spectral type. Previous studies based on low
resolution spectra suggested spectral types F3V (Vieira
et al. 2003,
PDS 277) and F2Ie (Suaréz et al. 2006).
Our data rule out the F2 supergiant spectrum. F3V is
compatible with the observed data, but our high resolution spectrum is
better described by a F4Ve spectrum.
HD 145718
HD 145718 displays an inverse P Cygni H profile. Other
Balmer lines are observed in absorption, but their profiles are not
symmetric. The blue part displays a shoulder consistent with filling
with an emission component. The spectrum lacks of He I lines
and a broad Ca II K line
at 3933 Å is observed. The strength the Ca II K line
shows that HD 145718 is an A-type star. Its width
indicates that HD 145718 has a spectral type later than A3 but
earlier than A7. The strength of the Mg II line
at 4481 Å constrains the spectral type to be earlier
than A6. The strength of the Ca I line
at 4227 Å constrains the spectral type to be later
than A4. Comparison with the spectral templates shows that the
spectral type that best match the observed spectrum is A5. The
weak strength of the Fe II - Ti II lines
at 4173 Å, the Y II - Fe II lines
at 4179 Å, the Ti II lines
at 3901 and 3913 Å rules out the luminosity
classes I and II. Analyzing the region between the H
and the Ti II line
at 4583 Å, we found that the width of the weak
absorption features visible in the spectrum are much better matched by
a dwarf star (luminosity class V) than with a rotationally
broadened giant (luminosity class III). Therefore we conclude
that HD 145718 is a dwarf star and has a spectral
type A5Ve. HD 145718 was studied by Guimaraes
et al. (2006)
who found a
200 K, corresponding to a somewhat later spectral type than
the A5Ve found by us. However, we note,
as previously mentioned, that the strength of the Mg II line
at 4481 Å indicates that the spectral type is earlier
than A6. Comparison of the 100 Å region around the Mg
II line at 4481 Å with
BLUERED synthetic spectra indicates that the
that best matches our
HD 145718 spectrum is in the
8000-8500 K range (for log g
ranging from 3.0 to 4.0). This further indicates that
the spectral type of HD 145718 is A5Ve.
HD 152291 = MCW 1264
HD 152291 displays H
in emission. Its spectrum exhibits He I in
absorption. Given that no He II absorption
lines are observed, HD 152291 should have a spectral type
later than B0.5. The presence of the He I line
at 4121 Å and a weak Mg II line
at 4481 Å indicates that HD 152291 is
earlier than B5. The presence of a strong O II -
C III blend at 4650 Å
shows that HD 152291 is earlier than B2. The presence
of the O II lines
at 4070, 4300 and 4415 Å rules out the luminosity
class V. The lack of the N II lines
at 3995 and 4631 Å, and the presence of strong Si III triplet
at 4553 Å rule out the luminosity class I-II.
Therefore, we conclude that HD 152291 has a spectral
type B1IIIe.
HD 305773
HD 305773 does not show hydrogen emission lines. He I absorption lines at 4026, 4144, 4471, 5016, 5876, 6678, and 7066 Å are observed. Since He II lines are absent, HD 305773 should have a spectral type B. The presence of the He I line at 4009, 4121, and 4388 Å indicates that the spectral type is earlier than B5. The detection of the N II line at 3995 Å, the O II lines at 4070 and 4976 Å, the Si III lines at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å indicates that the luminosity class of HD 305773 is I. The lack of the Si II lines at 4128 and 4131 Å shows that HD 305773 is earlier than B3. The presence of the Si IV lines at 4089 and 4016 Å indicates that HD 305773 should be of spectral types B0-B1. The presence of a rich spectra of O II lines and the strength of the Mg II line at 4481 Å constrain the spectral range to be B1 or later. Therefore, HD 305773 should have a spectral type B1. The detection of the C II line at 4267 Å indicates that the luminosity class is Ib. In summary, HD 305773 has a B1Ib spectral type.
HD 313571 = MWC 595
The spectrum of HD 313571 shows H,
and H
in emission. Double peaked hydrogen Paschen lines are observed in
emission at 8000 Å. The Ca II triplet
at 8500 Å is observed in emission superposed to the hydrogen
Paschen lines. He I is observed in
absorption (e.g., at 4026, 4144, 4121, 4386, 4471, and
4713 Å) and in emission (e.g., 4922, 5016, 5876,
6678, and 7066 Å). Since He II lines
are not present in the spectrum, HD 313571 is a B-type star.
The lack of the He II line at
4686 Å shows that HD 313571 has a spectral type later
than B0.5. The Mg II line
at 4481 Å is present and it is weaker than the He I line
at 4471 Å, thus HD 313571 should have a spectral type
earlier than B6. The strength of the He I line
at 4009 Å indicates that HD 313571 should have a
spectral type B3 or earlier. The absence of the N II line
at 3995 Å, the Si II lines
at 4128 and 4131 Å, the Si III lines
at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å, the Si IV line
at 4089 and 4116 Å, and O II lines
in the regions at 4000, 4300, and 4400 Å, indicates
that HD 313571 is not a supergiant star (luminosity
classes I and II). The lack of O II absorption
at 4415 and 4417 Å rules out the spectral
type B1 III. The strength of the Mg II line
at 4481 Å suggests a spectral type later than B1. The
lack of Si III lines
at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å rules out the spectral
type B2III. The absence of the Si II lines
at 4128 and 4131 Å indicates a spectral type later
than B2V. The strength of the He I line
at 4009 Å with respect to the He I line
at 4026 Å and the presence of a the C II line
at 4267 Å rule out the spectral types B4III-V.
Comparison with spectral templates shows that the spectrum that better
matches the relatively intensity of the He I lines
is the spectral type B3V. We conclude that HD 313571
has a B3Ve spectral type.
HD 320156 = Hen 3-1444
HD 320156 displays H
and H
in emission. Inverse P Cygni He II profiles
are observed. The He II line at
4686 Å is absent. A rich spectrum of He I lines
is observed. The He I lines are
narrow, typically of FWHM
45 km s-1, some of them
display inverse P Cygni profiles, and in some cases double
peaked profiles. The Mg II line
at 4481 Å is present and has a strength similar to the He I line
at 4471 Å. This ensemble of characteristics suggests that
HD 320156 is an early B-type star. The absence of the He II line
at 4686 Å indicates that HD 320156 has a spectral
type B1 or later. An He I line
at 4009 Å of similar strength than the He I line
at 4026 Å narrows down the spectral types to B2
to B4. The spectrum displays C II lines
at 3919 and 3921 Å, N II
at 3995 Å, Si II at 4128
and 4131 Å, and Si III
at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å. This, combined with the
narrow H lines observed in absorption, rules out the
luminosity classes II, III, and V, and shows that
HD 320156 is a supergiant star of luminosity class I.
The presence of the mentioned Si II and Si III lines,
and the lack of strong O II lines
at 4070, 4076, 4346, and 4649 Å indicate that its
spectral type should be B3 to B4. The similar
strength of the He I line
at 4121 Å, and the Si II lines
at 4128 and 4131 Å indicates a luminosity class Ib
and suggests a spectral type B4. We conclude that
HD 320156 has a spectral type B4Ibe. Finally, we note
that Schönberner & Drilling (1984)
suggested that HD 320156 (=LSS 4300) is a close
binary system consisting of a helium supergiant of
and a less luminous secondary. Our FEROS spectrum is compatible with
this hypothesis.
HD 323154 = MWC 877
HD 323154 displays a flat spectrum characterized by the presence of He I
in absorption
at 3820, 4009, 4121, and 4713 Å. He I is
observed in emission starting with the line
at 4922 Å. No He II lines
are present in the spectrum. Hydrogen lines are observed in emission
starting with the H line
at 4102 Å. The H
line exhibits a
double peaked profile. Broad hydrogen Paschen lines are observed in
emission starting at 8360 Å. The lack of He II lines
and the presence of He I lines
indicate that HD 323154 is a B star. The Mg II line
at 4481 Å has an absorption depth slightly weaker than the He I line
at 4471 Å. This indicates that HD 323154 has
a spectral type earlier than B6 (given that the He I profile
is contaminated by emission, we can only use the Mg II/He
I ratio to set an upper spectral
type limit). The presence of N II absorption
at 3995 Å rules out the luminosity class V
and IV for HD 323154, and indicates that
HD 323154 has a spectral type earlier than B5. The
weak C II line at 4267 Å
and the lack of O II lines
at 4070, 4076, 4346, 4349, 4415, and 4417 Å rule out
the spectral types B1I-III and B2I-III. The strength
of the C II line is weaker than
observed in B3I-III stars, thus HD 323154 should have
a spectral type B4. A strength of the Mg II line
similar to that of the He I 4471 Å
line and the strength of Si II lines at
4128 and 4131 Å rule out the
luminosity class I. The presence of Si III absorption
at 4553 Å and the N II line
at 4631 Å are inconsistent with the luminosity
class III. Therefore, the luminosity class of
HD 323154 should be II. We conclude that
HD 323154 has a spectral type B4IIe.
Hen 2-80
The spectrum of Hen 2-80 is flat and it exhibits only a few absorption lines. The presence of weak He I lines at 4026, 4144, and 4471 Å suggests that Hen 2-80 has a spectral type earlier than B8. Since the Mg II line at 4481 Å is just slightly weaker than the He I line at 4471 Å, Hen 2-80 should have a spectral type B5 or B6. The absence of the He I 4009 Å and the presence of the He I at 4026 Å suggest that Hen 2-80 has a spectral type B6 or later. The lack of the Si II triplet at 3855 Å rules out the luminosity classes I and II. Given that the Mg II line width is much narrower than the He I line at 4471 Å, Hen 2-80 is not of luminosity class III. We conclude that Hen 2-80 has a spectral type B6Ve.
Hen 3-416
Hen 3-416 exhibits P-Cyni profiles in the Balmer lines. Strong H
in emission is observed.
Ca II emission at 8498,
8542, and 8662 Å is observed as well. He I lines
in absorption are not present in the spectrum. However, the He I lines
at 4922 and 5016 Å display P-Cygni profiles. The lack
of He I absorption points to a
star of spectral type A or later. The lack of the Ca I line
at 4227 Å indicates that Hen 3-1416 should be of
spectral type earlier than A3. A narrow and
relatively strong Ca II K line
at 3933 Å and the strength of the Mg II line
at 4481 Å are consistent with a spectral type earlier
than A2. The very narrow Balmer lines indicate that
Hen 3-416 is not a dwarf (i.e. not of luminosity
class V). The lack of multiple absorption lines in the region
of around the Mg II line at
4481 Å and the Ca I line
at 4227 Å rules out the luminosity classes I
and II. The strength of the Fe II line
at 4233 Å shows that the spectrum is later than A0.
The lack of Ca I absorption at
4227 Å rules out the spectral type A2III. This
ensemble of diagnostics suggests that Hen 3-416 has a spectral
type A1III. We conclude that Hen 3-416 has an
A1IIIe spectral type.
Hen 3-823 = CD-59 4412
Hen 3-823 displays broad H
and Ca II in emission.
Its spectrum is flat and exhibits several lines of He I.
Since He II absorption is not
observed, in particular the line at 4686 Å,
Hen 3-823 should have a spectral type B later
than B0.5. The presence of the He I lines
at 4009, 4121, 4026, 4388, and 4471 Å and
a Mg II line at
4481 Å weaker than the He I line
at 4471 Å indicate that Hen 3-823 should have a
spectral type earlier than B5. The strength of the Mg II
and the He I line at
4009 Å suggests that Hen 3-823 should have a spectral
type B2 or later. The strength of the He I lines
at 4121 Å and 4388 Å shows that Hen 3-823
should have a spectral earlier than B4. The lack of the Si III lines
at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å, and O II lines
at 4070, 4349, and 4415 Å rules out the
luminosity classes I and II. Broad He I absorption
profiles and the absence of He I
at 3927 Å rule out the luminosity class III
and indicate that Hen 3-823 is a dwarf. The strength of the He
I lines is best matched by
a B3 star. We conclude Hen 3-823 has a
spectral type B3Ve.
Hen 3-1121N
Hen 3-1121N exhibits a weak (EW =
-0.3 Å) narrow (FWHM =
35 km s-1) H line
in emission observed inside a broad H
line in absorption (FWHM =
460 km s-1). The spectrum is
rich in He I absorption lines.
Since He II at 4686 Å, C III
at 4647 and 4651 Å, C II at
4267 Å, and Si IV at
4089 lines are observed in absorption, Hen 3-1121N
should have a spectral type earlier than B1.
The lack of the He II line at
4542 Å rules out the late O spectral types and
indicates that Hen 3-1121N has an early B spectral
type. Presence of the Si IV line
at 4089 Å, the lack of the Si IV line
at 4116 Å and the lack of strong Si III lines
at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å suggest that
Hen 3-1121N is of spectral type B0.5. The lack of O II absorption
lines at 4317, 4320, 4346, 4349, 4367, 4415, and
4417 Å rules out the luminosity classes I-III. We
conclude that Hen 3-1121N has a spectral type B0.5Ve.
Hen 3-1121S
Hen 3-1121S displays a broad H
line, a very weak emission component (EW = -0.05 Å)
is observed inside the absorption line. The spectrum exhibits a rich
spectra of He I lines. He II is
observed in absorption at 4686 Å and no other He II lines
are observed. C III absorption is
observed at 4647 and 4651 Å. These spectral
characteristics indicate that Hen 3-1121S has a spectral
type B earlier than B1. The Si IV line
at 4089 Å is stronger than the Si III line
at 4552 Å indicating that the spectral type is B0.
The presence of the He II line at
4686 Å combined with
the width and shape of the hydrogen Balmer lines and the absence of O II lines
at 4317, 4320, 4346, 4349, and 4367 Å, and the N II line
at 3995 Å indicate that the star is not of
luminosity class I or II. The strength of the He I 4009
relative to the strength of the He I 4026 Å
line indicates that Hen 3-1121S is of luminosity
class V. We conclude that Hen 3-1121S has a spectral
type B0Ve.
Hen 3-1145
Hen 3-1145 displays a spectrum rich in emission lines. We observe in
emission hydrogen Balmer lines (H,
), He I
at 4026, 4471, and 5876 Å, He II at
4686 Å, Ca II at
3933 Å and the Ca II triplet
at 8500 Å. Li is observed in absorption at
6708 Å (EW = 0.5 Å).
The spectrum is also rich in narrow absorption lines, thus
Hen 3-1145 should have a late spectral type. The strength and
width of the Ca I line at
4227 Å shows that Hen 3-1145 has a spectral
type K or later (note that the Ca I line
is likely to be contaminated by emission; thus, the real Ca I strength
is intrinsically larger than observed). The presence of weak molecular
bands at 7000 Å indicates that Hen 3-1145 has a
spectral type later than K7 but earlier than M2
(otherwise the molecular bands will be much stronger). The strength of
the Na I D lines at
5890 Å and the molecular bands at 7000 Å indicate
that Hen 3-1145 has a spectral type M0
to M1. The smallest residuals to the molecular bands at
7000 Å are given by the spectral type M1. The absence
of the absorption doublet at 5860 Å further indicates that the
spectral type should be M1. The broad width of Na I D lines
rules out the luminosity class III (Montes et al. 1999). Comparison of
the Na I D lines with
synthetic spectra shows that the line is slightly narrower than
observed in the luminosity class V thereby indicating that the
luminosity class of Hen 3-1145 is IV.
We conclude that Hen 3-1145 has a spectral
type M1IVe. Fitting of the spectra with high-resolution
synthetic models of a M1 star (
= 3720)
shows that the
that better describes the
spectra is 4.0 (we used these values
for deriving the absolute magnitude of Hen 3-1145 and
constrain its distance, see Sect. 3.2).
Hen 3-1347 = BD-18 4436
The spectrum of Hen 3-1347 exhibits H,
lines. He II absorption is not
present. He I in absorption is
observed at 4009, 4121, 4713, 4922, 5116, 5876, and
6678 Å. The absence of He II lines
and the presence of He I absorption
lines indicate that Hen 3-1347 is a B star.
The presence of the He I
at 3965 Å de-blended from a narrow H
the narrow Balmer line wings, combined with the presence of N II absorption
at 3995 Å, Si II at 4128
and 4131 Å, C II at
4267 Å, and Si III at 4553, 4568,
and 4575 Å, indicate that Hen 3-1347 has a luminosity
class I. A Mg II line
at 4481 Å slightly stronger that the He I line
at 4471 Å suggest a spectral type B5 or later. The
presence of the He I line at
4009 Å rules out the spectral types later than B6.
The presence of Si III lines
at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å, and the He I line
at 4121 Å suggests a luminosity class Ib. The
presence of the N II line at
3995 Å and the mentioned Si III lines
are better described by the spectral type B5 than B6.
We conclude that Hen 3-1347 has
a B5Ibe spectral type.
Hen 3-1428
Hen 3-1428 exhibits He I in absorption. Since He II lines are absent from the spectrum, Hen 3-1428 should have a spectral type B. Hydrogen Balmer and Paschen lines are observed in emission displaying P-Cygni profiles. He I lines at 4471, 4713, 5016, and 5876 Å exhibit P-Cygni profiles as well. No Ca II emission is observed at 8000 Å. O I forbidden emission is observed at 5577, 6300, and 6364 Å. N II emission is observed at 6548 and 6584 Å showing a P-Cyni profile (the line at 5755 Å is not present). The Mg II line at 4481 Å is present and is weaker than the He I line at 4471 Å (note, however that this He I line has PCygni profile) and is relatively broad (FWHM = 78 km s-1). The weak Mg II line at 4481 and the presence of a relatively strong He I line at 4009 Å indicate that Hen 3-1428 should be of spectral type earlier than B3. The presence of C III lines at 4647 and 4651 Å indicates that Hen 3-1428 should have a spectral type B2 or earlier. Since in the spectrum are simultaneously present the He I line at 4009 Å, and the O II lines at 4317 and 4320 Å, the spectral type B0 is ruled out, thus the spectral type should be B1 or B2. The presence of the N II line at 4631 Å, and the O II lines at 4639, 4642, and 4650 Å indicates that Hen 3-1428 is of luminosity class I or II. As the N II at 3995 Å line is stronger than the C II lines at 3919 Å, luminosity class of the spectrum should be class I. The strength of the O I lines at 4415 and 4417 Å suggests a spectral type is B1I. Finally, the luminosity class Ia describes better the strength of the N II 3995/He I 4009 line ratio and the relative strength of the lines observed in the region of the N II line at 5680 Å. We conclude that Hen 3-1428 has a B1Iae spectral type.
MWC 314
MWC 314 has a spectrum rich in emission lines of hydrogen (Balmer and Paschen series), He I, He II, Ti II, Ca II, Si II, Mg II, and Fe II. Although the spectrum is strongly influenced by the presence of emission lines several absorption lines are observed: N II at 3995 Å, He I at 4009, 4026, 4121, 4388, and 5047 Å, S II at 5453, 5473, and 5640 Å, Al III at 5696 and 5722 Å, and Ne I at 6143, 6364 at 6462 Å. The absence of He II in absorption and the detection of He I lines indicate that MWC 314 is a B-type star. In particular the presence of the He I lines at 4009 and 4026 Å indicates that the spectral type of MWC 314 should be early than B7 and later than B0. The detection of the S II lines rules out the luminosity classes V and III. The observation of the N II, Al III, and Ne I lines indicates that the luminosity class is I. The presence of the He I line at 4009 Å, the absence of the Si IV lines at 4089 and 4116 Å, and the C II line at 4267 Å indicate that MWC 314 should have a spectral type later than B1. The strength of the He I lines at 4009 and 5046 Å, and the absence of the Si II lines at 4128 and 4131 Å indicate that MWC 314 has a spectral type B3 or earlier. The absence of the Si III lines at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å indicates that MWC 314 should have a spectral type later than B4 if it has luminosity class Ia and later than B3 if it has of luminosity class Ib. To match the Si II and Si III requirements, MWC 314 should have a spectral type B3 and luminosity class Ib. We conclude that MWC 314 has a spectral type B3Ib. We note that Miroshnichenko et al. (1998) suggest a spectral type B0 for MWC 314. This spectral type is inconsistent with our FEROS data, in particular because of the presence of the He I line at 4009 Å, and the non detection of the Si IV lines at 4089 and 4116 Å, the C III lines at 4068, 4070, 4647, and 4651 Å, the O II line at 4076 Å, and the Si III lines at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å.
MWC 593 = CD-24 13510
MWC 593 exhibits hydrogen Balmer and Paschen emission. The Paschen
lines are broad (FWHM
500 km s-1) and double peaked.
No He II is observed in
absorption. He I is present,
in particular the lines at 4009, 4121, and
4388 Å. The Mg II line at
4481 Å is present, but it is very weak in contrast to the He I line
at 4471 Å. These characteristics indicate that
MWC 593 is a B star of spectral types
between B1 and B5. The lack of C II
at 3919 and 3921 Å, N II at
3995 Å, He I at 3927 Å,
Si II at 4128 and 4131 Å, and Si III
at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å shows that MWC 593 is not a
giant (luminosity classes I, II, or III) and
indicates that MWC 593 should have a spectral type B3
or B4. Comparison with spectral templates shows that the
spectra that better match the relative intensity of the He I lines
and the Mg II line is the spectral
type B4. We conclude that MWC 593 has a spectral
type B4Ve.
MWC 878 = CD-38 11837 = Hen 3-1398
MWC 878 displays a flat spectrum rich in emission lines. We observe in
emission hydrogen Balmer lines (H,
), double
peaked broad (FWHM
390 km s-1) hydrogen Paschen
lines starting at 8370 Å, double peaked broad (FWHM
360 km s-1) Ca II lines
at 8498, 8542, and 8662 Å, He I lines
at 4009, 4471, 4713, 5876, 6678, 7066, and 7281 Å, He
II lines at 4542,
4787 Å, the O I line at
6300 Å, O III lines
at 4959 and 5007 Å, N II lines
at 5755, 6548, and 6584 Å,
the S III line at 6312 Å,
and Ar III lines at 7136
and 7753 Å. Very few absorption lines are visible,
a narrow (FWHM
40 km s-1) Ca II line
at 3933 Å and the Na I D lines
at 5890 Å. We did the spectral classification based on the
region around the
He I lines at 4009 and
4471 Å. The presence of He I at
4009 Å in absorption indicates that the star is of spectral
type earlier than B6. The absence of a Mg II line
at 4481 Å indicates that MWC 878 has a spectral type
earlier than B2 and indicates that MWC 878 is very likely not
a giant or supergiant (luminosity classes III, II,
and I). Since the Si IV line
at 4089 Å, the Si III lines
at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å, the C II line
at 4267 Å are absent from the spectrum, MWC 878
should have a spectral type later than B0.5. We conclude that
MWC 878 has a B1Ve spectral type. For this
star, Miroshnichenko et al. (2001) derived a
spectral type of O9/B0, these spectral types are incompatible
with our FEROS spectrum.
MWC 930
MWC 930 has a spectrum rich in emission lines. Hydrogen Balmer and Paschen, He I, strong Ca II, S II, C III, N II, Fe II, and [Fe II] lines are observed displaying P-Cygni profiles. The Na I D lines at 5890 Å are saturated and display a complex structure, double absorption and three emission peaks. The Mg II line at 4481 Å is observed in absorption and it is relatively strong (EW = 1.4 Å). Since the lines used for spectral classification are affected by emission components, the spectral classification is highly unreliable because these lines are likely to arise in an extended atmosphere or shell. The strong veiling also affects the spectral classification. We attempt here to constrain the spectral classification based on the absence of strong spectral features. Since the He II line at 4686 Å is absent, MWC 930 should have a spectral type later than B0. The detection of the He I line at 5876 Å implies that MWC 930 is a B-type star. The strong Mg II line at 4481 Å indicates that MWC 930 should have a spectral type later than B5. The lack of absorption lines does not allow us to establish the luminosity class. We conclude MWC 930 should have a spectral type B5-B9.
MWC 953
MWC 953 exhibits H
to H
in emission. Its spectrum shows He I in
absorption and no He II lines are
observed. Since the He II line at
4686 Å is absent, MWC 953 should have a spectral type
later than B0.5. The absence of the Si IV line
at 4089 Å and the Si III line
at 4452 Å indicates that the spectral type of MWC 953
is later than B1.
The Mg II at 4481 Å line is
present and is much weaker than the He I line
at 4471 Å, thus MWC 953 should have a spectral
earlier than B5. The lack of Si II lines
at 4128 and 4131 Å, and O II lines
at 4070, 4076, 4349, 4415, and 4417 Å rules out the luminosity
classes I and II for the spectral types B2
to B5. The presence of the C II line
at 4267 Å rules out the spectral types B3V, B4V
and B5V. The strength of the Mg II line
at 4481 Å is not compatible with the spectral
types B4III and B5III. The strength of the He I line
at 4713 Å and the Mg II line
at 4481 Å is not consistent with the spectral
type B3III. The weak strength of Si III
in absorption at 4553, 4568, and 4568 Å rules out the
spectral type B2III. Therefore, we conclude that
MWC 953 has a spectral type B2Ve.
Th 17-35
Th 17-35 exhibits H
and Ca II in emission. Its spectrum is flat
and besides Balmer lines with emission components, very few absorption
lines are observed. No He II lines
are observed. A He I line
at 5976 Å and a weak He I line
at 4471 Å are present. In consequence, Th 17-35 is a
B-type star. The lack of strong He I lines
in the 4000 Å region indicates that Th 17-35 is of
spectral type later than B6. The Mg II line
at 4481 Å is weak but has a strength similar to that of the He
I line at 4471 Å,
suggesting that Th 17-35 should have a spectral type later
than B7. The weak Mg II line
shows that the spectral type should be earlier than B9. Thus,
Th 17-35 should have a spectral type B8. The lack of
a strong Mg II line at
4481 Å rules out the luminosity classes I
and II. The absence of the He I line
at 4026 Å rules out the luminosity class III. We
conclude that Th 17-35 has a B8Ve spectral
type. Vieira et al. (2003)
suggested a B2V spectral type for this star. B2 stars
display the strongest He I absorption
lines of the B spectral class. Since we observe an almost flat
spectrum, our data rule out the B2V type.
Th 35-41
Th 35-41 does not show H
in emission. The general shape of the spectrum reveals a late-type star
spectrum (i.e. spectral types K or M). The
narrow shape of the Na I D lines
at 5980 Å indicates that Th 35-41 is a giant star,
and suggests a spectral type later than M0III. The lack of
strong molecular bands further indicates that Th 35-41 is
earlier than M5III. The strength of the absorption lines
observed in the region close to the Na I D lines
further constrains the spectral type to be earlier than M3III.
The best fit to the regions around the Na I D,
and Ca II (
8500 Å) lines (see Montes
et al. 1999)
was given by the spectral type M1III. Thus, we conclude that
Th 35-41 has a spectral type M1III.
WRAY 15-488
WRAY 15-488 exhibits H
and H
P Cyni profiles with a strong absorption component and a weak
emission component. This suggests the presence of a wind. He I lines
are not present in the spectra, thus ruling out the spectral
types O and B. Since the spectrum displays a
relatively large amount of broad absorption lines, WRAY 15-488
should have a spectral type later than A. The strength of the
Fe I and Fe II lines
in the region between 4300 and 4400 Å indicates that
WRAY 15-488 should have a spectral type earlier
than G0. The strength of the G-band at 4300 Å
indicates that WRAY 15-488 has a spectral type earlier than
F5. The G-band strength is consistent with spectral
types F1-F3. The strength of the Fe II - Ti
II and Y II - Fe
II doublets at 4179 and
4173 Å, and the presence of the Sr II lines
at 4078 and 4216 Å rule out the luminosity
classes V and I (they are too strong to be consistent
with class V and too weak for being class I). The spectrum is
best matched by a spectral template F2III. Szczerba
et al. (2007)
disqualified WRAY 15-488 as post-AGB star, indicating that is
a T Tauri star based on the results of Gregorio-Hetem
& Hetem (2002).
The latter authors suggest a spectral type F8, but do no
specify the luminosity class. They report the observation of H
in emission with an EW of -8 Å.
The F8 spectral type is not consistent with the strength and
shape of the G-band measured with our data. Gravity sensitive lines
(e.g., Y II, Sr II)
indicate that the star is not a dwarf. In summary,
WRAY 15-488 is a giant star of spectral type F2IIIe.
We note that in our spectra there is a marginal detection of the Li
line at 6708 Å.
WRAY 15-522
WRAY 15-522 does not display H
in emission. Its spectrum shows absorption features characteristic of
stars with spectral types late G and early K. The
strength and width of the Ca I line
at 4226 Å indicate that WRAY 15-522 has a spectral
type G8-K0. The strength of the Fe I line
at 4271 Å suggests that the spectral type is not later
than K0. The strength and width of the Fe I lines
at 4532, 4787, and 5079 Å, and the Mg I line
at 5711 Å show that the spectral type is earlier
than K0 but later than G8. The strength and width of
Fe I+Ca I lines
at 5270 Å, and the Fe I lines
at 5329 and 5404 Å indicate that the spectral type is
earlier than K0. Therefore, we adopt the spectral
type G9 for WRAY 15-522. The shape and width of the
Sr II lines at 4078 and
4216 Å, the Y II line at
4375 Å, and the Ti II lines
at 4400 and 4408 Å (Ginestet et al. 1992,
plate 44) indicate that the spectra is of a giant star. The
strength of the Sr II+CN lines at
4216 Å is too weak to be consistent with the luminosity
class I and too strong to be consistent with the luminosity
class V and IV. This indicates that
WRAY 15-522 has a luminosity class III. We conclude
that WRAY 15-522 has a spectral type G9III.
WRAY 15-566
WRAY 15-566 does not display H
in emission. Since its spectrum displays VO and TiO molecular
bands, WRAY 15-1566 should have a spectral type M5 or
later. The spectrum does not display the Li line
at 6708 Å in absorption, thus showing that
WRAY 15-566 is not a young star. The strength of the
TiO bands at 4423, 4462 Å indicates that
WRAY 15-566 should have a spectral type M6 or
earlier. The shape and strengths of the Mn I lines
at 4031 and 4034 Å, the Ca I line
at 4227 Å, the Fe I line
at 4326 Å, and the TiO band at 4950 Å show
that WRAY 15-566 has a spectral type M6. The strength
of the multiple absorption lines inside the molecular bands at
4400-6000 Å indicates that the source is a giant star of
luminosity class III. We conclude that WRAY 15-566
has a spectral type M6III.
WRAY 15-770
WRAY 15-770 does not display H
in emission. Its spectrum presents the TiO and VO molecular
bands characteristic of stars of late-M spectral types. The narrow
sodium lines at 5890 Å indicate that WRAY 15-770 is a
giant star of luminosity class III. The strength and shape of
the Ca I line at 4227 Å
indicate that WRAY 15-770 has a mid-M spectral type.
Comparison of the Ca I line with
spectral templates suggests a spectral type M6 or later but
earlier than M8. The strength of the of the TiO bands
indicates that the spectral type is later than M5.
The absence of the sharp Ti I line at 4534 Å
indicates that WRAY 15-770 has a spectral type later
than M6. The strength and shape of the molecular bands at
4740 Å, 5740 Å, 6000-6200 Å, and
7400-7500 Å are best matched by the spectral
type M7III. We conclude that WRAY 15-770 has a
spectral type M7III.
WRAY 15-1104 = CD-55 5174 = CPD-55 5588
WRAY 15-1104 displays H
in emission. He I absorption lines
are present in the spectrum. The absence of the He II absorption
lines, in particular the line at 4686 Å, indicates
that the spectral type of WRAY 15-1104 is later
than B0. The presence of He I absorption
lines at 4009, 4121, and 4388 Å shows that the
spectral type is earlier than B5. The presence of N II line
at 4631 Å indicates that WRAY 15-1104 is a giant star
of luminosity class I or II and rules out the
spectral types B3 to B5. Given that the spectrum
displays O II lines
at 4317, 4320, 4246, 4349, 4367, 4639, and 4642 Å,
and that the Si IV line at
4089 Å is present, WRAY 15-1104 should be of spectral
type B1 and luminosity class I. The almost absent C II line
at 4267 Å and the strengths of the Si IV line
at 4089 Å, the N II line
at 4631 Å, and the O II lines
at 4639 and 4642 Å rule out the luminosity class Ib
and indicate that WRAY 15-1104 should have a luminosity
class Ia. Therefore, we conclude that WRAY 15-1104
has a spectral type B1Iae. Sarkar et al. (2005) studied
WRAY 15-1104 and suggested a spectral type B1Ibe.
As explained,
our FEROS spectrum is better described by the luminosity class Ia than
the luminosity class Ib.
We note that the Sarkar et al. spectrum did not cover the
wavelength range short-ward
of 4900 Å, a region where important surface gravity
indicators such as the Si IV line
at 4089 Å, the N II line
at 4631 Å, and the O II lines
at 4639 and 4642 Å are present.
WRAY 15-1372 = CD-51 9596
WRAY 15-1372 exhibits broad (FWHM =
382 km s-1) double peaked H
in emission.
Its spectrum is flat and very few absorption lines are observed. Except
for the He I lines at 4026 and
4471 Å no other He I lines
are present in the spectrum. Therefore, WRAY 15-1372 should
have a spectral type B6 or later. The strength of the Mg II line
at 4481 Å is similar to the strength of the He I line
at 4471 Å. Thus, WRAY 15-1372 should have a spectral
type earlier than B7. In consequence,
WRAY 15-1372 has a spectral type B6. The absence of a
strong C II line at
4267 Å rules out the luminosity classes I
and II. The similar width (400 km s-1)
of the He I line at
4471 Å and the Mg II line
at 4481 Å is not compatible with the luminosity
class III. We conclude that WRAY 15-1372 has a
spectral type B6Ve.
WRAY 15-1435
WRAY 15-1435 exhibits H,
Ca II at 8498 and 8662 Å in
emission. Its spectrum is rich in He I lines
but no He II lines are observed.
Since the He II line at
4686 Å is absent, WRAY 15-14135 has a spectral type
later than B0.5. The absence of the Mg II line
at 4481 Å shows that WRAY 15-14135 should have a
spectral type earlier than B2 and rules out the luminosity
classes I-III. These spectral characteristics indicate that
WRAY 15-1435 has a spectral type B1Ve.
WRAY 15-1650
The spectrum of WRAY 15-1650 displays the TiO molecular bands
characteristic of M-type stars. No H emission is observed
and the Li line at 6708 Å is absent. The strength of
the molecular bands at 5000-8000 Å indicates that
WRAY 15-1650 has a mid-M spectral type. The narrow Na I D lines
observed at 5890 Å indicate that WRAY 15-1650 is a
giant star of luminosity class III (see Montes
et al. 1999).
The shape of the spectrum and the strength of the molecular bands are
best matched by the M6 spectra template: the bands
at 4400 and 4500 Å are stronger than in the M5III
template and the bands at 6000-7000 Å are weaker than in the
M7III template. We conclude that WRAY 15-1650 has a
spectral type M6III.
WRAY 15-1651
WRAY 15-1651 displays H
and H
emission lines. Paschen emission is observed starting at
8438 Å up to 9000 Å. Na I D emission
is observed at 5890 Å. The spectrum is flat and almost no
absorption lines are observed. Since the H
is of the order of 100 Å, it is likely that this
object has a large accretion rate and that we are observing a strongly
veiled spectrum. We performed the spectral classification based on the
absence of strong spectral features that are observed in stars even
with large accretion rates and strong veiling.
No molecular bands are observed; thus WRAY 15-1651
should have a spectral type earlier than M. The Ca II line
at 3933 Å is not present and the Na I D lines
have a FWHM (48 km s-1)
lower than observed in K type stars. Therefore
WRAY 15-1651 should have a spectral type earlier
than K. There is no evidence for the strong metallic lines
observed in F and G type stars; therefore
WRAY 15-1561 should have a spectral type earlier
than F. The lack of Ca II and Mg II line
at 4481 Å in absorption suggests that WRAY 15-1561
should have a spectral type earlier than A. Furthermore, the
absence of the Mg II line at
4481 Å indicates that WRAY 15-1561 should have an
early B spectral type. The lack of the He II line
at 4686 Å suggests that WRAY 15-1561 is later
than B0. We conclude that WRAY 15-1561 should have a
spectral type B1 to B5. The lack of absorption lines
does not allow us to constrain the luminosity class.
WRAY 15-1702
WRAY 15-1702 has the spectrum characteristic of mid M-type stars.
It does not display H
in emission and the Li line at 6708 Å is absent. The
narrow shape of the sodium lines at 5890 Å indicates that
WRAY 15-1702 is a giant star. The shape and relative intensity
of the molecular bands at 4000, 5000, 6000, and
7000 Å indicate that WRAY 15-1702 has a spectral type
later than M5. The strength of the calcium lines
at 8498 and 8662 Å indicates that
WRAY 15-1702 has a spectral type M6 or earlier. The
spectrum that best match the strength of the molecular bands and the
100 Å region around the H
Na I D, H
and Ca II lines (see Montes
et al. 1999)
is the spectral type M6III. We conclude that
WRAY 15-1702 has a spectral type M6III.
![]() |
Figure 6:
Spitzer 8.0 |
Open with DEXTER |
Appendix 2. IR-emission and signs of star-formation activity in the vicinity of confirmed Herbig Ae/Be stars not associated with nearby SFRs
We searched the Spitzer archive for 8.0 m imaging in
the 20' vicinity of the 11 confirmed
Herbig Ae/Be stars with distances greater than 700 pc
(i.e. not associated to nearby SFRs). Additionally, we queried
the SIMBAD data-base for astronomical objects in the
20' vicinity suggesting star-formation activity such as
HII regions, molecular clouds, dark clouds and young stellar
objects. Our aim was first to check whether the sources are in empty
regions or associated with large-scale IR emission and second
to find evidence whether our sources might be members of distant SFRs.
We used data from the Spitzer Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey
Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE)
survey and, for querying the SIMBAD data base, the Aladin tool from the
Centre des Données de Strasbourg (CDS)
We found Spitzer 8 m images for 9 stars:
HD 313571, Hen 2-80, Hen 3-1121 N&S,
MWC 878, MWC 953, Th 17-35,
WRAY 15-1372, and WRAY 15-1435.
In Fig. 6,
we show the 20'
20' vicinity of our sources. No data were available
for Hen 3-823 and MWC 593. We find that
7 sources, Hen 2-80,
Hen 3-1121 N&S, HD 313571,
MWC 953, WRAY 15-1435, and Th 17-35 are
inside or close (separation <5') to regions with
extended infrared (IR) emission and have in their vicinity astronomical
sources characteristic of SFRs. We suggest that these
6 Herbig Ae/Be stars are be members of distant SFRs.
However, we note that further study of the regions is required to
validate this hypothesis. Two sources, MWC 878 and
WRAY 15-1372, have no astronomical sources characteristic of
SFRs and no or very weak nearby IR emission. They might be
examples of ``isolated'' Herbig Ae/Be stars. In the
following subsections, we discuss each source separately.
HD 313571
HD 313571 is embedded in a tenuous extended IR emission that increases
of intensity towards the East. In the immediate vicinity of
HD 313571 we observe at 20'' and
at 1, 7' SW at PA 240
two bright reflection nebulae. They are most-likely associated with the
IRAS source 17580-2215. Palla et al. (1991) report a
detection of H2O maser at
22 GHz towards the position of the nebulae. The dark nebulae
LDN 237 is observed at
of HD 313571. The presence of the reflexion nebulae and the
detection of masers in the vicinity of HD 313571 indicate that
the region is young and suggest that HD 313571 may be a member
of this SFR.
Hen 2-80
Hen 2-80 is inside an IR emission nebulosity. This nebula has several
components: the reflection nebulae VdBH 57b and
BRAN 388, and at 2' SW and PA
the reflection nebulae
VdBH 57d. The presence of reflection
nebulae provides further evidence of the young nature of
Hen 2-80. Given the diversity of reflection nebulae observed
and the presence of several IR-Spitzer sources in the region, we
speculate that Hen 2-80 is a region where a stellar cluster is
in formation. Further mid-IR and sub-mm imaging would be advisable to
determine the number of young sources present in the region.
Hen 3-1121 N and Hen 3-1121 S
Hen 3-1121 N&S are located at the N-E of a large (20' 20')
ring-shaped IR emission region. A SIMBAD database search shows
that this region embeds several molecular clouds (G328.3-0.5-46.0,
G328.2-0.5-38.0, G328.2-0.5-40.3.0, G328.2-0.5-43.3, G328.2-0.5-45.8,
G328.2-0.5-46.1); OH and CH3OH masers (Caswell
OH 328.237-00.547, OH 328.25-00.5, CH3OH 328.25-00.53, CH3OH
328.24-00.55,CH3OH 328.23-00.53); the reflection nebula
GN 15.53.6; and the HII regions
GAL 328.2-00.5, IRAS 15541-5349 (at the
center), and IRAS 15539-5353. This ensemble of objects
indicates unmistakably that this region is a region of active star
formation. Since the spectroscopy parallax distances of
Hen 3-1121 S&N (3.1
and 3.2
kpc respectively)
are consistent with the kinematic distance of 3.0 kpc of the
G328.236-0.547 maser (Phillips et al. 1998), we suggest
that Hen 3-1121 N&S are members of this SFR.
MWC 878
West from MWC 878 we find a tenuous large scale infrared emission. MWC 878 is located just at the outskirts of this IR-emission. A search in the SIMBAD database shows no sources characteristic of SFRs in the 20' vicinity. Therefore, we suggest that MWC 878 might be an example of an ``isolated'' Herbig Ae/Be star.
MWC 953
MWC 953 is embedded in an extended IR emission with a filamentary
geometry. At 1' N
and 6' S of MWC 953 we find regions strongly
resembling shocks. At 5' NW and PA
an extended dark nebula
(G028.67+00.13) of size
is observed. In the region several YSOs are present (e.g.,
ISOGAL-P J184333.9-034459, ISOGAL-P J184329.0-034522). The region is
rich in X-ray sources. The molecular cloud SRBY 152 is
observed 5.5' SW of MWC 953 (PA
). The
presence of these objects indicates that the region is active in star
formation. We suggest that MWC 953 might be associated to the
region. Further studies of the stellar content are required to validate
this conclusion.
Th 17-35
The Spitzer image of the 20' vicinity of Th 17-35 reveals a large-scale
filamentary IR-emission.
The SIMBAD database shows the presence of the cloud (of unknown nature)
SFO 73 at position of Th 17-35,
the molecular clouds G306.2+0.2-42.0, G306.2+0.2-29.2, and
G306.2+0.2-28.6 (6' south),
the dark nebula DCld 306.3+00.2 (10' SE, PA
), and a
region at 12' SW (PA
comprehending the reflection nebula ESO 132-4, the cloud (of
unknown nature) SFO 72, the dark cloud
DCld 306.2+00.1 and the emission line star Th 17-33.
This ensemble of characteristics indicates that this is an active
region of star-formation. Since Th 17-35 is a young star it is
likely that it is a member of this region.
WRAY 15-1372
WRAY 15-1372 is inside a very tenuous IR-emission. The SIMBAD database does not display astronomical objectsassociated with SFRs in the 20' vicinity of WRAY 15-1372. These characteristics suggest that WRAY 15-1372 may be an ``isolated'' Herbig Ae/Be star.
WRAY 15-1435
WRAY 15-1435 is positionally coincident with a reflection nebula
(CSI-50-16095). All the region is embedded in a tenuous large scale IR
emission. We observe in the region the molecular cloud G332.3+0.5-96.2
approximately 6' south of WRAY 15-1435, and the the
high-mass protostellar candidate IRAS 16082-5031 (Fontani
et al. 2005)
20' SW.
At 10' SW and at PA
a dark absorption region with a shape resembling a sickle is observed.
We suggest that WRAY 15-1435 is a member of this
star-formation region. However, further study is required to determine
whether the objects observed in the region are physically related.
- ... spectroscopy
- Based on observations collected at the ESO-MPG 2.2 m telescope at la Silla Observatory, Chile (program IDs: 072.A-9006, 073.A-9008, 079.A-9014, 081.A-9003).
- ...
- Appendix is only available in electronic form at
- ...
- This research was partly conducted while A. Carmona was at the Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg and the European Southern Observatory in Garching.
- ... shock
- The origin of the H I emission lines in
Herbig Ae/Be stars is in fact controversial. Several authors have
alternative scenarios for magnetospheric accretion (e.g., strong
stellar winds, outflows, direct disk accretion) to explain the origin
of the H I lines (e.g., Böhm & Catala 1993; Mottram et al. 2007). The magnetospheric accretion model can explain the H
line and its spectropolarimetry signal in Herbig Ae stars (e.g., Pontefract et al. 2000; Vink et al. 2002, 2005). However, this is less clear in the case of Herbig Be stars, since wind or outflows contributions to the H
line are likely, and the spectropolarimetry signal does not unambiguously support the magnetospheric accretion scenario (Mottram et al. 2007). As several stars in our sample are Herbig Be stars, it could well be that different emission mechanisms work for different stars in our sample.
- ... position
- Images were obtained using the Aladin software from the CDS, Strasbourg:
- ... Observatory
- ... library
- ... library
- modelos/bluered/bluered.html
- ... stars
- TLUSTY models describe better than the BLUERED models the observed strength of the He I lines in early B-type stars.
- ... developed
- Available from A. Carmona.
- ... calibration
- Hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky, and maintained by Peter van Hoof Royal Observatory of Belgium. peter/atomic/
- ... cloud
- Merín et al. (2008) detected emission at 24, 70, and 160
m in Hen 3-1145 with Spitzer. From the spectral energy distribution slope computed from the K-band to 24
m, they classified the star as Class II. The low IR excess led those authors to classify the source as an ``anemic'' disk: it displays a 24
m flux typical of Class III sources, but 70
m excess comparable to a classical T Tauri star. Objects such as Hen 3-1145 appear to be extremely rare. They are the so-called cold disks that are interpreted as optically thick disks with large inner holes of several to tens of AU (Calvet et al. 2005; Brown et al. 2007).
- ... outflow
- A recently acquired high-resolution optical spectrum of
AS 321 with UVES at the VLT (van den Ancker et al.,
in prep.) confirms the absence of H
emission in the optical spectrum of AS 321.
- ... (GLIMPSE)
- ... (CDS)
All Tables
Table 1: Positions and extent in galactic coordinates of the star forming regions (SFR) employed.
Table 2: Studied stars, SFRs positionally coincident and summary of the observations.
Table 3:
Established spectral type, literature photometry, estimated distance,
radial and projected rotational velocity, observed H
and forbidden line emission.
Table 4:
Equivalent widths of H,
He I, Ca II,
and forbidden emission lines observed in the spectra.
All Figures
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Figure 1:
Optical (R band) and near-IR (K band)
images of the 0.5' |
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Figure 2:
Optical (R band) and near-IR (K band)
images of the 0.5' |
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Figure 3:
Optical spectra of our sources centered on the H |
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Figure 4: Example of FEROS spectra of the Herbig Be star WRAY 15-1435 (spectral type B1Ve), together with rotationally broadened TLUSTY models (in red). The spectra are shown at the rest velocity of the star. See text for a description. |
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Figure 5: Similar to Fig. 4 for the supergiant star Hen 3-1428 (spectral type B1Iae). The He I line at 4471 Å displays a P-Cygni profile. |
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Figure 6:
Spitzer 8.0 |
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Copyright ESO 2010
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