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Table 1:

Photometry, $Af\rho $, and colours of the comet C/2007 D1 (LINEAR).
$\phi$[ $^{\prime\prime}$]a log$_{10}\rho$ [km]b V R V-R $Af\rho $ [cm]c $Af\rho $ [cm]d Reddening [%/1000 $\AA$]
0.5 3.531 21.723 $\pm$ 0.123 21.008 $\pm$ 0.092 ... ... ... ...
1.1 3.832 20.468 $\pm$ 0.072 19.861 $\pm$ 0.060 0.607 $\pm$ 0.132 1400 $\pm$ 93 1774 $\pm$ 97 1.91 $\pm$ 1.12
2.2 4.133 19.493 $\pm$ 0.049 18.988 $\pm$ 0.044 0.505 $\pm$ 0.093 1719 $\pm$ 78 1983 $\pm$ 81 1.19 $\pm$ 0.80
3.3 4.309 19.057 $\pm$ 0.042 18.584 $\pm$ 0.039 0.473 $\pm$ 0.080 1712 $\pm$ 65 1917 $\pm$ 68 0.98 $\pm$ 0.67
Sun       0.35e      

Notes. (a) Radius of the photometry aperture. (b) Linear radius of the aperture at the comet. (c) In the V filter. (d) In the R filter. (e) Colour of the Sun is in the modern Johnson-Cousin system used by Landolt (1992) (from Holmberg, Flynn & Portinari 2006).

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