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Table 1:

IBIS/ISGRI observations log of IGR J19405-3016.
Revs. Date Expo. SCW Flux Sig.
  MJD ks   mCrab $\sigma $
0056-0244 52729-53291 262 146 1.5 $\pm$ 0.3 4.9
0258-0371 53332-53672 218 129 1.4 $\pm$ 0.4 3.5
0416-0498 53805-54050 879 275 1.5 $\pm$ 0.2 7.8
0543-0664 54184-54547 17 16 <3.3 0.0
0056-0664 52729-54547 1376 566 1.40 $\pm$ 0.15 9.4
Note: the flux and the significance are presented in the energy band 20-60 keV for the data in which the source was within an offset angle of 10 degrees. The error bars are 1$\sigma $ and the upper limit is 2$\sigma $.

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